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Functional Patterns: The Monad

This is the final part of a series of articles entitled Functional Patterns.

Make sure to check out the rest of the articles!

  1. The Monoid
  2. Compositions and Implicitness
  3. Interfaces and Functors
  4. Recursion and Reduces
  5. Zips and the Applicative

What's the problem?

A monad is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors, what's the problem?

Is a quote from A Brief, Incomplete, and Mostly Wrong History of Programming Languages, when he mentioned Haskell.

Though memed throughout the times, this statement actually manages to hold some truth to it still, being a pretty good description on what monads are.

No pattern had fascinated me more than the Monad, and for a while I had obssessed over being able to understand it, only for it to slip out of my grasp every single time. Monads had been so notable to me as there's a long running joke that monads are a mystery— because when you learn it, you forget all ability to teach and describe it.

For a while I had been reading about this pattern that kept getting praised in the functional programming community, but I hadn't come across a definition— an explanation, that did it for me.

But somewhere along that road, after all those times sunk into understanding this pattern— I felt like I could comfortably say that I had reached an understanding on it. It stopped being an "Aha! I think I got it!"

And that really was the motivation behind this article series, to help curious individuals tackling this niche I had delved into a year prior, have a better time than I did. I told myself:

Six articles, building up to a decent explanation on the Monad.

And here we are. I hope I hadn't lost you on the way here, but we've made it. What's left now is tackling the main pattern itself.

In the Category of Endofunctors

Let's slowly take apart the quote describing monads.

... in the category of endofunctors.

These are terms we had already encountered, and what this is telling us is that the Monad deals with endofunctors, not any normal value we're used to. Let's take a look at its Haskell definition.

class Applicative m => Monad m where
    (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
    return :: a -> m a
-- ...
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There it is! We see that to be a Monad, you first must be under the Applicative typeclass (which are endofunctors that can be applied using <*>), which further requires you be under the Functor type class in the first place (you can map endofunctors using fmap).

So, like the article on Functor and Applicative, we are going to be talking about functions applying onto some data type, some struct, we have defined. Notably using this >>= operator here, also referred to as bind.

We also have this function return, which should already be pretty familiar to us.

class Functor f => Applicative f where
    pure :: a -> f a
    -- ..

class Applicative m => Monad m where
    return :: a -> m a
    -- ..
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It's essentially an alias for our pure function previously defined in Applicative! Surely there has to be a reason why it's called return now? We'll discover that shortly.

A Monoid

Recall our definition of a Monoid.

A type is said to be a Monoid over some binary function or operation if the result remains within the domain of the type, AND there exists an identity element.

That can only mean one thing, a Monad is just defining some binary operation over endofunctors! This is the next piece of our puzzle, let's take a look at the definition of bind specifically:

If you're a bit confused, remember that a Monoid is merely an interface that requires you have an operation that takes two arguments of the same type, and produce the same type. This is why we can say + is a Monoid over Int, and also Int is a monoid over +.

class Applicative m => Monad m where
    (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
    -- ..
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We see that bind is not only a binary function, but also that it returns a data type m b, which corresponds to the same category as our input m a, despite them having differing internal types— this has to be our Monoid operation! Let's compare it with the other operations defined in the previous type classes leading up to it, renaming all type constructors as f, for clarity.

(<$>) :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b     -- fmap
(<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b   -- apply
(>>=) :: f a -> (a -> f b) -> f b   -- bind
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Let's add a few spaces to highlight the pattern and swap out >>= with =<<, its flipped equivalent (arguments are swapped places).

(<$>) ::   (a ->   b) -> f a -> f b
(<*>) :: f (a ->   b) -> f a -> f b
(=<<) ::   (a -> f b) -> f a -> f b
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So we see that they all in fact deal with some functor, but in slightly different ways.

  • fmap takes a function and then a wrapped value, mapping the function over the wrapped value.
  • <*> takes a wrapped function and a wrapped value, applying the wrapped function over the wrapped value.
  • >>= takes a wrapped value, a function that returns a wrapped value, and then returns that wrapped value.

Moreover, because it is a monoid over endofunctors, this means:

  • We can chain these together associatively
  • Our final return type is an endofunctor in the same category
    • which in turn means, our final type stays in the same category.

Monads in Practice

Lets say we have an arbitrary cipher, wherein characters in the alphabet are converted to any other arbitrary character in the alphabet. We keep this cipher as a dictionary (also known as a hashmap) that takes an encoded Char and returns the decoded Char.

import qualified Data.Map as M

cipher :: M.Map Char Char
cipher = undefined -- definition omitted
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Now we create a decode function, remember that this operation might fail (when the key doesn't exist), so we have to use the Maybe data type.

decodeChar :: Char -> Maybe Char
decodeChar = (`M.lookup` cipher)    -- wrapping in backticks turn a function into infix form
                                    -- so we're partially applying the second argument

-- equivalent to:
-- decodeChar = flip M.lookup cipher   -- C-combinator, flips the arguments
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M.lookup is a function that, well, does a lookup on a M.Map, with your given key (in this case our encoded Char), and returns a Maybe Char, because the key might not exist in the M.Map in which case it will return a Nothing.

Now say we want to then lowercase the resulting characters of our decoding. We would have to compose toLower function to our call, but there's one issue!

toLower :: Char -> Char
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toLower doesn't take a Maybe Char! If we recall the available functor composers we have, this is actually no problem as this is just an fmap.

decodeChar = fmap toLower . (`M.lookup` cipher)

-- or even ...

-- we wrap the function in Maybe, then apply using `<*>`
decodeChar = (pure toLower <*>) . (`M.lookup` cipher)
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Now say we want to convert our lowercased character into its ASCII value, we would have to do another composition on fmap.

decodeChar :: Char -> Maybe Int
decodeChar = fmap ord . fmap toLower . (`M.lookup` cipher)
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And we can continue this for god knows how long, but the issue is starting to rear its head. This type of composition is kind of annoying to write! Let's try to write it using Maybe's Monad bind.

decodeChar :: Char -> Maybe Int
decodeChar c =
  M.lookup c cipher
    >>= return . toLower
    >>= return . ord
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This works! And is so much cleaner. We can see return make its appearance here, and the reason it's called return, is not because it returns value in the imperative sense, but because it's usually the last call you make inside a function required by bind, because you have to return to your Monad type!

Let's think about that even deeper and realize that the reason we have to return to our Monad is because: while we're inside the function required by our bind, we implicitly "unwrap" our value, so we can do our own logic on it, before rewrapping it at the end, so we can now completely abstract "unwrapping"!


Note the double-quotes on unwrapping, it's because we aren't actually unwrapping the value, as that might cause a runtime error depending on your data type's logic (unwrapping a Nothing causes an error).

decodeChar :: Char -> Maybe Int
decodeChar c =
  M.lookup c cipher
    >>= return . ord . toLower
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So now we can do our usual compositions, inside our Monad type! Moreover, Haskell has an even more legible syntax for this, the do.

decodeChar :: Char -> Maybe Int
decodeChar c = do
  decoded <- M.lookup c cipher -- Make value inside Maybe accessible

  return . ord . toLower $ decoded
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And in this form, the return being at the end of the call even resembles an imperative language!

Note that because we've done our functions without unwrapping, we never risk unwrapping into a runtime error! Moreover, when you implement a Monad, it's up to you how you want to do their compositions, as long as you follow the 3 axioms of left-identity, right-identity, and associativity!

These axioms won't be covered here, but they shouldn't get in your way that often (and you'll rarely need to implement a monad in the first place)

concat . map (replicate 2) $ [1, 2, 3]  -- [ 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3 ]
concatMap (replicate 2) $ [1,2,3]

-- `bind` for the List monad is equivalent to `concatMap`!

[1,2,3] >>= replicate 2
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Imperatively speaking,

But how is the concept of the Monad relevant to languages outside of Haskell and other functional languages? Is it relevant?

First of all, it's not all about you, imperative programmer! Second, leveraging the concept of monads allow us to write succinct (well, after you write the code to force FP into your imperative program), and chainable code.

Behold, the Maybe monad in Python:

class Maybe:
    def __init__(self, value) -> None:
        self.value = value

    def just(value):
        return Maybe(value)

    def nothing():
        return Maybe(None)

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        match self.value:
            case None:
                return "Nothing"
            case x:
                return f"Just {x}"

    def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
        return self.value == other.value

    def bind(self, *fns):

        for fn in fns:
            if self.value == None:
                return self.nothing()
            self.value = fn(self.value).value

        return self.just(self.value)

def search(n, lst) -> Maybe:
    for i, v in enumerate(lst):
        if v == n:
            return Maybe.just(i)
    return Maybe.nothing()
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result = search(4, [3, 4, 2]).bind(lambda a: Maybe.just(a+5))
print(result) # Just 6

result = search(5, [3, 4, 2]).bind(lambda a: Maybe.just(a+5))
print(result) # Nothing
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Incredible and outrageous. Just the perfect mix.

And that just about does it! I hope you enjoyed this entire series, it has been about a year in the making. I hope you learned something, and most importantly, enjoyed the time you invested! If you have any questions, feel free to contact me in my socials, or in the comments down below, I will try to make time.

What's the problem?


I'd like to thank Sharmaigne for proof-reading, Tsoding for being a very helpful resource, and myself for actually committing to this grind.

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