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Navigating File Paths Across Windows, Linux/macOS, and WSL: A DevOps Essential

Mastering file paths is essential for any sysadmin or DevOps engineer. This guide demystifies the complexities of navigating file systems across Windows, Linux/macOS, and WSL, ensuring smooth operations in any environment.

This blog post aims to clarify the subject for users of various operating systems and interfaces. The examples provided are intended to guide you in adapting the commands to your specific command-line environment. I hope many will find this information valuable.

File paths are strings of characters used to specify the location of a file or directory in a file system. They are essential for navigating, accessing, and manipulating files and directories.

Imagine you're building a house. You want to use the same blueprint (or code) to build it anywhere in the world. A blueprint uses standard symbols to represent different parts of the house.

In the world of computers, file paths are like addresses to find files.

Types of File Paths

While there isn't a definitive number of file path types, we can categorize them based on their structure:

Based on Structure:

Absolute Path: This specifies the exact location of a file or directory from the root of the file system. It includes all directories leading to the file.

Windows: C:\Users\YourName\Documents\report.docx
Linux/macOS: /home/user/documents/report.docx
Relative Path: This specifies the location of a file or directory relative to the current working directory. It doesn't include the full path from the root.

Example: reports/monthly.csv (assuming the current directory is C:\Users\YourName\Documents)
UNC Path (Universal Naming Convention): This is used for accessing files on a network. It starts with \ followed by the server name, share name, and file path.
Example: \\server_name\share_name\folder\file.txt


  • Uses backslashes (\) as path separators.
  • Drives are denoted by letters (C:, D:, etc.).
  • Example: C:\Users\JohnDoe\Documents\file.txt.


  • Uses forward slashes (/) as path separators.
  • Everything is under the root directory (/).
  • Example: /home/johndoe/documents/file.txt

Best Practices and Tricks


  • Use quotation marks for paths with spaces: "C:\Program Files\My App"
  • Use environment variables: %USERPROFILE%\Documents
  • UNC paths for network shares: \\servername\sharename


  • Use quotation marks or escape spaces: /home/john\ doe or "/home/john doe"
  • Use environment variables: $HOME/Documents
  • Use ~ as a shortcut for the home directory: ~/documents

Navigation and Usage

Changing directories:


  • Change directory: cd path\to\directory
  • Go up one level: cd ..
  • Go to root of current drive: cd \
  • Change drive:D: (where D is the drive letter)
  • Go to home directory: cd %USERPROFILE%
  • Go to previous directory: cd -


  • Change directory: cd path/to/directory
  • Go up one level: cd ..
  • Go to root directory: cd /
  • Go to home directory: cd or cd ~
  • Go to previous directory: cd -

Listing directory contents:

  • Windows: dir
  • Linux/macOS: ls

Home directory:

  • Windows: %USERPROFILE% or C:\Users\username
  • Linux/macOS: ~ or /home/username

take note

  • Use absolute paths starting with / (Linux/macOS) or C:\ (Windows).
  • Use relative paths like ./subdirectory or ../parent_directory.
  • Use tab for auto-completion of directory names.
  • Use pwd - (print working directory) to know current working directory.

Remember, Linux commands are case-sensitive, while Windows commands are not.

Accessing the file system from WSL - Windows Subsystem for Linux


  • WSL can access Windows files.
  • Windows can access WSL files (with limitations).

WSL File System Structure:

Linux files: cd /home/User/

Windows files: /mnt/c /mnt/d Depends on If it is a " C " or " D " drive.

Best Tricks and Practices:

Use /mnt/ to access Windows drives:

cd /mnt/c/Users/YourUsername/Documents
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  • Avoid editing WSL files directly from Windows to prevent permission issues.
  • Use .wslconfig file in your Windows user profile to configure global WSL options.

Use Windows environment variables in WSL:

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Optimize file system performance:

  • Store project files in the WSL file system for better performance.
  • Use WSL 2 for improved file system speed.

File Paths Use Cases Table

Scenario Linux Windows
User's home directory /home/username or ~ C:\Users\username
System-wide config /etc C:\Windows\System32\config
Temporary files /tmp C:\Windows\Temp
Log files /var/log C:\Windows\Logs
Application data /opt or /usr/local C:\Program Files
Web server root /var/www/html C:\inetpub\wwwroot

DevOps Perspective and Workflow

As a DevOps engineer, understanding both Windows and Linux file paths is crucial for several reasons:

a. Cross-platform compatibility:

Many DevOps workflows involve both Windows and Linux systems. For example, you might have Windows developers working on an application that will be deployed to Linux servers. Understanding both systems allows you to create scripts and processes that work across platforms.

Example: Creating a deployment script that works on both Windows and Linux build agents in a CI/CD pipeline.

b. Configuration management:

DevOps often involves managing configurations across multiple systems. Knowing the correct file paths for each OS is essential for tasks like:

  • Setting up config file locations
  • Managing log files
  • Deploying applications to the correct directories

Example: Using Ansible to deploy a web application, you'd need to know the correct paths for both Windows (IIS) and Linux (Apache) web servers.

c. Containerization:

When working with containers (e.g., Docker), you'll often need to map volumes between the host and the container. Understanding file paths in both systems is crucial for this.

Example: Mapping a Windows host directory to a Linux container:

docker run -v C:\data:/app/data myimage
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d.Scripting and automation:

DevOps relies heavily on automation. Writing scripts that work across platforms often requires using environment variables or parameterized paths.

Example: A Python script that works on both Windows and Linux:

import os

home_dir = os.path.expanduser("~")
config_file = os.path.join(home_dir, "config", "settings.ini")
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e. Troubleshooting:

When issues arise, knowing where to look for log files, config files, and application data in both systems is crucial for quick problem resolution.

Example: Debugging a Java application:

  • On Windows: Check C:\Program Files\Java\jre\lib\
  • On Linux: Check /etc/java-8-openjdk/

f. Security considerations:

Understanding file paths and permissions in both systems is crucial for maintaining security. For instance:

  • On Linux: /etc/shadow for password hashes
  • On Windows: SAM file in C:\Windows\System32\config

To conclude, as a DevOps engineer, mastering file paths in both Windows and Linux is essential for creating efficient, portable, and maintainable systems and workflows. It allows you to bridge the gap between different environments, automate processes effectively, and troubleshoot issues across diverse infrastructures.

The advantage of absolute paths is that they provide a complete, unambiguous reference to a file or directory location, regardless of the current working directory. This makes them reliable and consistent across different contexts.

The recommended file path practice combines clarity, consistency, and flexibility:

  • Use relative paths within projects for portability.
  • Use absolute paths when referencing files outside the project structure.
  • Employ environment variables or configuration files to store base paths.
  • Use forward slashes (/) even in Windows for cross-platform compatibility.
  • Avoid spaces in file and directory names; use underscores or hyphens instead.
  • Keep paths as short as reasonably possible.
  • Use meaningful, descriptive names for directories and files.
  • Maintain a consistent naming convention (e.g., lowercase with hyphens).
  • Organize files logically in a hierarchical structure.
  • Use path normalization functions in code to handle different input formats.

This approach ensures paths are clear, maintainable, and work across different environments and operating systems.

The End 🏁
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