Hello there,
So, I've been lazy to publish an article for about a month or probably more but today is that day :).
This article is about my recent project. Wondering what that is?
Well, it is about Urlbox.
I wanted to implement a website screenshotting functionality. So, I got into googling, and at the end of it all, I came across Urlbox. Here is a little explanation as to what Urlbox is about.
Urlbox is a lightweight REST API built to automate the process of capturing website screenshots on your product.
The reason why I am so excited about this project is that Urlbox seems to be the answer to the problem I had at hand. But then, I realized that Urlbox doesn't have a Golang library. And so, just as I always do, I decided to build one. Now, you can add this functionality to your application. Well, I mean for Golang developers anyways. You should know me by now. I'm all about Golang ;).
Below are sample screenshots taken with the library:
So here's how to setup Urlbox in your Golang application:
NOTE: This Golang library supports the two ways of taking the screenshot of websites supported by Urlbox.
This package can in installed using the go command below.
go get github.com/iqquee/urlbox
List of file formats you could use for the Format field in the Request{} struct.
const (
//FileFormatPng for png file format
FileFormatPng string = "png"
//FileFormatJpeg for jpeg file format
FileFormatJpeg string = "jpeg"
// FileFormatAvif for avif file format
FileFormatAvif string = "avif"
//FileFormatWebp for webp file format
FileFormatWebp string = "webp"
//FileFormatWebm for webm file format
FileFormatWebm string = "webm"
// FileFormatPdf for pdf file format
FileFormatPdf string = "pdf"
//FileFormatSvg for svg file format
FileFormatSvg string = "svg"
// FileFormatHtml for html file format
FileFormatHtml string = "html"
// FileFormatMd for md file format
FileFormatMd string = "md"
// FileFormatMp4 for mp4 file format
FileFormatMp4 string = "mp4"
Screenshot takes the screenshot of a website synchronously.
Inother words, whenever you make a request using this method, you wait to get the screenshotted data([]byte) from the server.
This method takes in the Request{} struct as a parameter.
List of all the fields available in the Request{} struct.
type (
// Request parameter for the ScreenshotAsync method
Request struct {
Url string `json:"url"` // url of website to screenshot
Format string `json:"format"` // screenshot file format
Options Options // optional params for the request
// optional parameter
Options struct {
FullPage bool // for full page screenshot
Width int // the viewport width of the browser, in pixels
Height int // the viewport height of the browser, in pixels
BlockingOptions Blocking // options for blocking or dismissing certain page elements, such as cookie banners
SelectorOption Selector // take a screenshot of the element that matches this selector. By default, if the selector is not found, Urlbox will take a normal viewport screenshot. If you prefer Urlbox to fail the request when the selector is not found, pass fail_if_selector_missing=true.
ImageOption Image // options relating to the outputted PNG, WebP or JPEG file
WaitOption Wait // options relating to waiting before taking the screenshot
// blocking option parameter
Blocking struct {
BlockAds bool `json:"block_ads"` // remove ads from page
HideCookieBanners bool `json:"hide_cookie_banners"` // remove cookie banners if any
ClickAccept bool `json:"click_accept"` // click accept buttons to dismiss pop-upsSelector
// selector option parameter
Selector struct {
Selector string `json:"selector"` // for css selectors e.g #playground for id of playground
FailIfSelectorMissing bool `json:"fail_if_selector_missing"` // fail the request when the selector is not found
// image option parameter
Image struct {
Retina bool `json:"retina"` // take a 'retina' or high-definition screenshot, equivalent to setting a device pixel ratio of 2.0 or @2x. Please note that retina screenshots will be double the normal dimensions and will normally take slightly longer to process due to the much bigger image size.
Quality int `json:"quality"` // the image quality of the resulting screenshot (JPEG/WebP only)
Transparent bool `json:"transparent"` // if a website has no background color set, the image will have a transparent background (PNG/WebP only)
// wait option parameter
Wait struct {
Delay int // the amount of time to wait before Urlbox takes the screenshot or PDF, in milliseconds.
TimeOut int // the amount of time to wait for the requested URL to respond, in milliseconds.
package main
import (
func main() {
apiKey := ""
secreteKey := ""
client := urlbox.New(*http.DefaultClient, apiKey, secreteKey)
request := urlbox.Request{
Url: "https://urlbox.io",
Format: urlbox.FileFormatPng,
Options: urlbox.Options{
ImageOption: urlbox.Image{
Retina: true,
Quality: 100,
data, err := client.Screenshot(request)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("an error occured: ", err)
fmt.Println("This is the response byte: ", data)
filename := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d.%s", strings.Replace(request.Url, "/", "-", -1), time.Now().UTC().Unix(), request.Format)
if err := os.WriteFile(filename, data, 0666); err != nil {
fmt.Println("error writing to disk: ", err)
ScreenshotAsync allows your application to receive information when a screenshot has been rendered.
This allows you to render screenshots asynchronously.
This method takes in the RequestAsync{} struct as a parameter.
Use this object payload to implement the ScreenshotAsync() method
type RequestAsync struct {
Url string `json:"url"` // url of website to screenshot
WebhookUrl string `json:"webhook_url"` // Pass a webhook URL in as the webhook_url option and Urlbox will send a POST request back to that URL with data about the screenshot in JSON format once it has completed rendering
package main
import (
func main() {
apiKey := ""
secreteKey := ""
client := urlbox.New(*http.DefaultClient, apiKey, secreteKey)
request := urlbox.RequestAsync{
Url: "https://urlbox.io",
WebhookUrl: "https://example.com/webhooks/urlbox",
message, err := client.ScreenshotAsync(request)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("an error occured: ", err)
fmt.Println("This is the response message: ", message)
I have put in some work to make sure that this library was properly documented so that Golang developers out there can find it quite easy to use and without much stress. And as such, sample code were added for each methods.
Do have a great day ahead.
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