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Fetching Data with Firebase Firestore in Next.js's getServerSideProps

At, we've gained considerable experience by developing over 30 projects using Next.js and Firebase. This combination allows for robust server-side operations and real-time data management, which are essential for modern web applications. In this article, we'll delve into how you can use Firebase Firestore to fetch data in the getServerSideProps function of a Next.js application.

Understanding the Code

Here's the code snippet that we'll be discussing:

// Fetching a single document from Firebase Firestore in getServerSideProps
const getServerSideProps = async (context) => {
  const docRef = admin.firestore().collection('collectionName').doc('docId');
  const doc = await docRef.get();
  const data = doc.exists ? : null;
  return { props: { data } };
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Step-by-Step Explanation

  1. Document Reference: The docRef variable holds a reference to a specific document in a Firestore collection. collection('collectionName') specifies the collection, and doc('docId') specifies the document ID.

  2. Fetching the Document: docRef.get() is an asynchronous operation that retrieves the document from Firestore. It returns a document snapshot that contains data about the document if it exists.

  3. Handling the Data: The doc.exists property checks if the document actually exists in the database. If true, retrieves the actual data held in the document. If false, it sets data to null, indicating that no data was found.

  4. Returning Props: The function returns an object with a props key that contains the data fetched from Firestore. This data becomes available to your Next.js page as props during server-side rendering.

Practical Use Cases

This approach is particularly useful in scenarios where you need pre-rendered pages that load initial data from a database. It's ideal for:

  • User profiles
  • Article or blog post contents
  • E-commerce product details

Fetching data server-side helps improve SEO and provides a faster initial page load, which enhances user experience.


Leveraging Firebase Firestore in Next.js applications enables developers to build fast, reliable, and scalable web applications. If you're interested in seeing this code in action, check out some of our applications like language translation exploration, English adjectives discovery, and online text extraction. These tools illustrate the power and flexibility of combining Next.js with Firebase for modern web development.

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