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Implementing Theme-Based Styles in React with Tailwind CSS

As web developers at, we've utilized a myriad of tools and technologies to build over 30 innovative web applications using Next.js and Firebase. In this journey, we've harnessed the flexibility of CSS frameworks like Tailwind CSS to enhance user experience with responsive and theme-based designs. Today, I will discuss how to implement theme-based styles in React applications using Tailwind CSS, focusing on switching between light and dark modes.

Understanding the Code Snippet

<div className='dark:bg-gray-900 dark:text-white'>
    <p>This text and background will change based on the theme.</p>
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This simple snippet of code is a powerful example of how Tailwind CSS can be used to conditionally apply styles based on the current theme of the webpage. Here's a breakdown of what each part of the code does:

  • <div className='dark:bg-gray-900 dark:text-white'>: This div tag contains two Tailwind CSS classes that are prefixed with dark:. This prefix is used by Tailwind CSS to apply these styles when the dark mode is activated on the website.

    • bg-gray-900: Sets the background color of the div to a darker shade (gray-900) when dark mode is active.
    • text-white: Changes the text color inside the div to white in dark mode.
  • <p>This text and background will change based on the theme.</p>: Inside the div, we have a paragraph that explains what is happening. This helps in demonstrating the instant change when switching between themes.

Advantages of Theme-Based Styling

Applying theme-based styles can tremendously improve the user experience, offering a visually comfortable environment during different times of the day or according to user preferences. Implementing such features can also elevate the aesthetic appeal and professional look of your applications.


Leveraging Tailwind CSS for theme-based styling in React not only simplifies the development process but also enhances the adaptability of your website. If you'd like to see this code in action, feel free to explore some of our projects like Free Online Mic Tester, Free Online English Word Search Tool, or Disposable Email Service. These tools demonstrate practical applications of dynamic styling based on user-centric design principles.

Tailwind CSS and Next.js have been instrumental in helping us build responsive, theme-aware, and visually engaging applications. We invite you to explore more about our projects and how these technologies are shaping modern web development.

Top comments (1)

davitacols profile image
David Ansa

This is amazing.