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Md. Salamu Cs
Md. Salamu Cs

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Build an awesome developer portfolio website.

As a software developer, it's important to have a robust portfolio website that can display our abilities and experiences. To assist other developers, I have designed a portfolio website using Next, Tailwind CSS, and EmailJS. In this article, I will provide a step-by-step guide on the setup process, along with the GitHub link.

Here is the live preview:
Live preview url
Image description
STEP 01:
Clone the Repository using GitHub link and change the directory to the developer-portfolio.

git clone
cd developer-portfolio
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STEP 02:
Now install all packages using npm or yarn.

npm install
# or
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After installation, all packages, Now change all data on utils/data/* according to you. For example:

export const personalData = {
  name: "Salamu",
  profile: "/profile.png",
  designation: "Full-Stack Software Developer",
  description: "My name is Salamu....",
  email: '',
  phone: '8709611320',
  address: 'Chennai,TamilNadu,India ',
  github: '',
  facebook: '',
  linkedIn: '',
  twitter: '',
  stackOverflow: '',
  leetcode: "",
  devUsername: "said7388",
  resume: ""
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The devusername properties replace it with your username and it will fetch all blogs from your website.

STEP 03:
Now we will make a .env file and set up our Email.JS credential in a .env file. I am using EmailJs in this project for the user to send mail to me and It's free. The .env file will be the following:

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First of all, go to and sign up for an account.

Make a email service using Gmail and take the Service ID and add it .env file as REACT_APP_YOUR_SERVICE_ID value.

Then make a Email template and take Template ID from the template setting and use it .env.

Then go to Account and take Public Key and use it in .env.

STEP 04:
Now the portfolio website is ready for the run. You can run it using npm or yarn.

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
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If you like the portfolio project Please give it a star on the GitHub Repository.
You can connect with me on Linkedin:

Top comments (1)

xr0master profile image
Sergey Khomushin

Thank you for your article