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Google Authentication

OmniAuth is a gem for Rails that lets you use multiple authentication providers alongside the more traditional username/password setup. It supports many authentication providers: Facebook, LinkedIn, GitHub full list can be found here.

Here’s how OmniAuth works from the user’s standpoint:

  1. User tries to access a page on yoursite that requires them to be logged in. They are redirected to the login screen.
  2. The login screen offers the options of creating an account or logging in with Google.
  3. The user clicks Log in with Google. This momentarily sends the user to , which quickly redirects to the Google sign-in page.
  4. If the user is not already signed in to Google, they sign in normally. More likely, they are already signed in, so Google simply asks if it’s okay to let access the user’s information. The user agrees.
  5. They are (hopefully quickly) redirected to and, from there, to the page they initially tried to access.


Add to your Gemfile:

Then bundle instal

Go to and login with your google account. Click on select a project

Click on Credentials and click on the “OAuth consent screen” tab to set up You require the client ID and client secret for your rails app


Add the middleware to the project in config/initializers/omniauth.rb.

You can now visit the url:/auth/google_oauth2 to assess the google authentication.


Routes for Google authentication, expect callback from server

get '/auth/:provider/callback' => 'sessions#omniauth'


Uid ensures its unique instance that we haven’t had before.


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Originally published at on April 13, 2020.

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