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How to Improve the Pull Request Process

The pull request (PR) process is essential but often disliked. Despite its critical role in maintaining code quality, many developers find it frustrating. Let's explore common issues and solutions to make PRs more effective and enjoyable.

Common Issues with the PR Process

1. Focusing on the Developer Rather Than the Code

Reviewers often direct comments at the developer instead of the code. Using second-person pronouns like "you" or "your" can make comments seem personal and toxic. Instead, focus on technical aspects and the code itself.


  • Concentrate on the code, not the person.
  • Avoid personal pronouns; use objective language.

2. Skimming Through Reviews

Large PRs often lead to superficial reviews. It's easy to overlook issues in big chunks of code.


  • Break down large PRs into manageable pieces.
  • Allocate focused time (25-45 minutes) for thorough reviews.
  • Encourage collaborative code ownership.

3. Writing Ineffective Comments

Comments can be subjective, unclear, and lack actionable outcomes.


  • Be objective: Explain why changes are needed with clear, factual reasoning.
  • Be specific: Point out exact lines or methods.
  • Focus on outcomes: Use the Triple R pattern (Request, Rationale, Result).
  • Labels for Comments:

    needChange: Minor changes.
    needRework: Major changes requiring discussion.
    nitpicks: Subjective comments that don't affect functionality.
    TODO: Conventional comments for future work.


Can we move this method to Class AX? Similar methods are in Class AX, consolidating them will streamline business logic processing.

4. Not Being Your Own First Reviewer

Authors should review their code before submitting it.


  • Use draft PRs to self-review and refine code.

5. Not Using Automation

Automation can catch lower-stakes issues before the review.


  • Implement linting, formatting tools, and static analysis.
  • Ensure tests pass before submitting PRs.

6. Unmanageable PRs

Large, unfocused PRs are difficult to review.


  • Make PRs narrow and specific.
  • Focus on atomic changes.
  • Split large features into multiple smaller PRs.

7. Treating PRs as Mystery Novels

PRs should be clear and informative.


  • Provide context and a clear title.
  • Explain the purpose and changes in the PR description.

8. Taking Feedback Personally

Feedback is an opportunity to improve, not a critique of your abilities.


  • Embrace feedback as a team effort to enhance code quality.

Additional Tips

  • Create a Team Working Agreement: Define coding conventions and processes, and establish a "definition of done."

  • Use PR Templates: Standardize PR descriptions for clarity.

  • Auto-Assign Reviewers: Ensure timely reviews.

  • Celebrate Code Complements: Recognize good work.

By addressing these issues and implementing these solutions, we can improve the PR process, making it more efficient and less stressful for everyone involved.

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