DEV Community

Ivan Ivanov
Ivan Ivanov

Posted on

09. Ski Trip

using System;

namespace SkiTrip
internal class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        int stayDays = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
        string placeType = Console.ReadLine();
        string rating = Console.ReadLine();

        double pricePerNight = 0.00;
        stayDays = stayDays - 1; // Minus one (1) because it's per night

        // The price discount for each room type
        if (placeType == "room for one person")
            pricePerNight = stayDays * 18.00;

        else if (placeType == "apartment")
            pricePerNight = stayDays * 25.00;

            if (stayDays > 15)
                pricePerNight -= pricePerNight * 0.50;
            else if (stayDays >= 10 && stayDays <= 15)
                pricePerNight -= pricePerNight * 0.35;
            else if (stayDays < 10)
                pricePerNight -= pricePerNight * 0.30;
        else if (placeType == "president apartment")
            pricePerNight = stayDays * 35.00;

            if (stayDays > 15)
                pricePerNight -= pricePerNight * 0.20;
            else if (stayDays >= 10 && stayDays <= 15)
                pricePerNight -= pricePerNight * 0.15;
            else if (stayDays < 10)
                pricePerNight -= pricePerNight * 0.10;

        // The rise and fall depends by the user's rating
        if (rating == "positive")
            pricePerNight += pricePerNight * 0.25;
        else if (rating == "negative")
            pricePerNight -= pricePerNight * 0.10;

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