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Ravi Ojha
Ravi Ojha

Posted on

What was the config of your first computer?

Mine was a Compaq PC with Celeron D processor, 256 MB Ram, 80 GB HDD accompanied with a Floppy and CD drive. And the only programming activity I did on that machine was writing C code to print one of them * patterns.

Top comments (20)

ryan profile image
Ryan • Edited

It was a Compaq Portable! Yes, this beast from the 80s. No, my family wasn't rich, I got it second hand some time in the 90s.

I didn't really learn to program on it however, just use DOS and write notes. Still, it helped get me interested in computers, and it was cool! Wish I had held on to it.

tphbrok profile image
Thomas Brok

Seeing the specs, price and design of this PC, I am absolutely baffled once again about how much and how fast technology has grown since your first PC was available in the market.

jack profile image
Jack Williams

AST Advantage 6075P, 75ish MHz, 4mb ram, 40mb hdd. I have no idea how I remember that, but damn you just brought back memories.

The year I found QBasic.

That poor RadioShack guy. I musta called him a million times.

Twist: The first time I royally messed it up was when I realized I needed HD space. This mysterious "Windows" folder was taking up most of my precious mbs. But I couldn't delete it while in Windows (go figure).

So I figured out how to get to the DOS prompt, and that let me ....


jdforsythe profile image
Jeremy Forsythe

Amstrad 16MHz PC, 2 5.25" floppy drives, no hard drive (they were prohibitively expensive at the time). I still remember when we finally got to go to the local computer store and buy a 100MB hard drive! It was so big!

daviddalbusco profile image
David Dal Busco • Edited

I had an x286 with an extra coprocessor and an hard drive of 20mb. I think it was an "Hitachi" computer.

I was able to install Monkey Island on it but somehow even by tweaking the boot, I always had to wait a bit for the computer to warm up in order to be able to start the game. So every time I went back from home, I rushed to start the computer, waited like 20min, and then finally I was able to play my favorite game 😂

flrnd profile image
Florian Rand

Oh Monkey Island, Maniac mansion and the day of the tentacle, the best graphic adventures of my childhood!

vgrovestine profile image
Vincent Grovestine

The first computer in my house was a ZX81 (followed by a Timex Sinclair 1000).

The first computer that was truly mine; however, was a generic PC clone: 486SX-33, 4 Meg RAM, 120 Meg HD, 14.4 kbps modem, 14" CRT, and a Panasonic dot matrix printer. It ran MS-DOS 6.22 and Windows 3.1.

mrrhodes profile image
Stephen Rhodes

Spectrum ZX+!

...but my first real PC was one that have 8mb of RAM. It's the only thing I remember about it because I had be pestering my parents for months to get me this game I had been playing a demo of (back when we'd get demos on CD's from magazines), and when I finally got the complete game for my birthday, it failed to run because it needed 16mb of RAM! 😢 ... took me a few months to save up to get that 8mb of RAM.

aromig profile image
Adam Romig 🇵🇭

I built my first computer from some spare parts my dad had. It was a 486dx2/50 with maybe a 20MB hard drive, 4MB of memory (I think, might have been 1MB), 3.5" floppy drive, and a monochrome monitor. Ran 4DOS but I did install Slackware Linux on it from like 27 floppies. I mostly wrote papers for school on it and played with C a bit.

We had other computers (C128, 286, 386) before but that was the first one that was my own.

alexisbenamar profile image
Alexis Benamar

The first one I used was an old HP desktop PC running on Windows 98, but I used it only to draw stuff on MS Paint.

The actual first one that I really used completely and that got me into computers was a HP Compaq with an Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.93 GHz with a whopping 2GB DDR2 RAM.

It handled Counter Strike: Source like a champ.

flrnd profile image
Florian Rand

Sony HB-75p MSX 🤓

daviddalbusco profile image
David Dal Busco

Its keyboard was and is still probably more effective than the last MacBook Pro keyboard 😉

flrnd profile image
Florian Rand

It works perfectly, no ghost keys or any signal of use wearing.

When I have my cousins at home (or friends kids) I take it out instead of the PS4 for a retro gaming session.

marcelocg profile image
Marcelo Gonçalves

Mine was an 8MHz Intel 8088, 768KB RAM, 10MB HDD, 360KB floppy drive.

Yes, you read it right. 10 megabytes HDD. And it was a loooot of space. And money. I spent 2k dollars on this computer!

arhuman profile image

zx81 1K RAM no HDD, storage was external (audio tape). Could barely do anything useful besides learn BASIC with it.

ozeta profile image
Marco Carrozzo

It was a 286 with a monochromatic monitor and no mouse, and honestly don't remember the specs 😂

bovermyer profile image
Ben Overmyer

Amiga 2000.

dsoundzz profile image
Demian Sims

Commodore64. I banged out so much Basic that when I woke up from hibernation 30 years later, I was disappointed to discover Basic is no longer used.

chrisrhymes profile image
C.S. Rhymes

I’m pretty sure it booted dos from a floppy disk and had a black and white monitor. I could play Prince of Persia and some random golf game. I think it was an Olivetti but can be sure.