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Jack Fields
Jack Fields

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Django vs. Flask: Which One Should You Choose?

Picking the right web framework for your project can be difficult. It seems like new frameworks pop up every day and it can be overwhelming trying to choose the one that best suits your application. Among Python developers two popular choices are Django and Flask. Each has its strengths so let’s take a look at the key difference and help you decide which one suit your needs best.

What are Django and Flask?

Django is a high-level Python web framework built by the Django Software Foundation. Django is often referred to as “batteries-included” because it comes with several built-in features, such as an ORM (Object-Relational Mapping), authentication, user management, and a powerful admin interface. Django aims to remove much of the hassle of web development so you can focus on writing your app without needing to go through the hoops of reinventing the wheel.

Flask, on the other hand, is a micro-framework based on Werkzeug, Jinja2, and Click. It’s lightweight and minimalist, which gives you more control over the components you use. It’s designed to be simply and flexible, allowing you to select the tools and libraries you need.

Key Differences

Philosophy and Design

Django emphasizes the “batteries-included” approach with a large number of built-in features to tackle the various aspects of web development. It’s a great choice where you need to get up and running fast with minimal effort.

Flask focuses on simplicity and flexibility. It gives you the essentials to get started but leave the choice of additional components up to you. It’s great for small projects or those who prefer more control over their stack.

Learning Curve

Django has extensive features and conventions that can present a steeper learning curve for newcomers. That said, once you understand the structure, Django streamlines your development process substantially.

Flask and its minimal design make it easier to pick up and understand. You can start small and scale your applications by adding the necessary components as you go.


Django thrives with large and complex applications. With the inclusion of an admin interface and ORM, it makes it easier to manage complex databases or user interactions.

Flask is better suited for smaller, simpler projects where you want to maintain full control over the components.


Django comes with a lot of built-in tools which means it’s less flexible. But, customization is still possible with a whole community full of packages that can be used to augment its abilities.

Flask starts with less and leaves the choices up to you. Since it provides the basics, you can build and integrate exactly what you need without the overhead of unwanted features.


Django has a large and active community with extensive documentation and a rich ecosystem of third-party packages. This can be invaluable, especially when you are trying to tackle common problems or trying to follow best practices.

Flask also has a strong community, although smaller than Django’s. There is a rich ecosystem of extensions that can be easily integrated to add functionality as needed.

The Rub

When to Choose Django

Go with Django when you want to get up and running fast. It’s a solid choice when you have a complex project since it comes with an admin panel and database management features. Use Django when you need rapid development or want scalability.

When to Choose Flask

Pick Flask for simpler projects or prototypes that don’t need a lot of build-in features. Use it if you want total control over the components and architecture of your application. It’s also a great pick if you want to learn the basics of web development or want to experiment with different tools and libraries.


Both Django and Flask are excellent frameworks for web development. They cater to different needs and project types. If you need a comprehensive solution with plenty of built-in features, Django is where it's at. On the other hand, if you prefer simplicity, Flask might be a better pick. Consider the size and complexity of your project, your development timeline, and your personal preferences when making a decision. No matter which you choose, both Frameworks have proven themselves in the industry and can help you build great web apps.

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Top comments (2)

leemarvin94 profile image
ONDO ABAGHE Rooly Marvin

I found the article helpful as I needed some informations to choose the one that fits my needs