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Jorge Alvarado
Jorge Alvarado

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Don't forget to update that value in those files


The other day, based on a project needs, I created a pre-commit hook: version-checker. It helps you remember to update the version of your project in different files before doing a commit.


You only need to have pre-commit installed (and to use git, but who doesn't?):

pip install pre-commit
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Create a basic project structure

Let's use a very basic project structure for the sake of the tutorial:

├── setup.cfg
└── src
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The files and will refer in some way to the version of the project, that lives in setup.cfg.

Let's see the content of these files:


# setup.cfg
name = some-project
version = 0.1.0
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# You are using version 0.1.0 of this project
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# src/
__version__ = "0.1.0"
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Now, if you update the version of your project (setup.cfg) you have to remember to update it in 2 more files ( and That sounds like something easy to forget right? This is when the hook comes to the rescue 🦸.

The hook

For setting up the hook you need to create a .pre-commit-config.yaml file (like any other pre-commit hook):

# .pre-commit-config.yaml
-   repo:
    rev: v0.4.1-alpha
    -   id: version-checker
        args: [
          --files,, src/,
          --grab-version-from, setup.cfg
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Most of the content is the typical config of a hook. Let's explain the args:

  • --files: mandatory argument. It indicates the path to the files that the hook will evaluate to contain the desired version.
  • --grab-version-from: optional argument. It tells the hook from where to grab the version to evaluate (By default it tries to grab it from a pyproject.toml file).

Then we install it with:

pre-commit install
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Congrats, everything is ready, version-checker won't let you forget to update the files 🎉🎉.

See it in action 👀

Let's update the version in our setup.cfg to 0.2.0 and try to do a commit:

Failure Case

The hook is basically telling you that and are not using the latest version of the package within their content.

Update the corresponding files and try to commit again:

Success Case

When it may be helpful and when it may not

I created this hook because I was working in a project which had a lot of files that were referring to the version of the project: python files, markdown files, some template files and even a Jenkinsfile. For python files it wasn't hard to handle the version, thanks to version from importlib.metadata, but the other files were trickier...

When do I think this hook may be helpful:

  • If your project refers to the version of the project in multiple files with different extensions.
  • If you are already using pre-commit hooks and you don't know another tool for this purpose.

When do I think it may not:

  • If you already use another tool for this purpose.
  • If for some reason the hook is harming the performance of pre-commit (in my experience the hook runs super fast). Take a look at this.

Other options

The other day I learned about 2 tools that seems to work for the same purpose (I haven't tried them yet):

And also I was shared this cool list.

Post image created by @circus.infernus

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