OS: Operating System
VM: Virtual Machine
Server: Big ol’ hunk of metal with some wiry bits
Orchestrator: Something that runs on a website an...
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Nice way of making Docker approachable. There are two minor corrections I would like to suggest:
VMware's hypervisor is ESXi, not ESX1. Also, kernel refers to the core of the OS, not to hardware.
On a more important note, you left your scenario dangling without resolution at the end of your story, especially the fact that you're referring to a Linux box. Docker, however, cannot run Windows containers on Linux. The intricacies are covered in this StackOverflow Q&A: stackoverflow.com/questions/421585...
Thank you for picking that up! I'm very much a newbie to this myself, so I will read up on what you have said, thank you!
Hi! Congratulations, good article with funny analogies. Just a comment, when you say "You can read more about the kernel in this article" I guess what it follows is a link to another article, but that is missing. Can you provide the link? Thanks!
Argh, yes! Good spot, I'll sort that
MSN?! The nostalgia is strong here! I'm interested in understanding docker more, so I'll read fully after sleep
Haha it was the first thing I thought when I learned about messengers!
Good article for starters. For those on .NET Frameworks better shift to .NET core. As for MS, I think soon you can see a future version of windows which will not additional Linux distros probably or better have a linux kernel bundled with its OS. MS is really going good on Open source Tech.
Very good article. Thanks
Great Article! As a continuation i recommend reading "A docker free intro to containers"
I explain how to create your own containers and images.
I recently made an intro video discussing containers, docker, and kubernetes. Hope it helps someone.
Delightful analogies, thank you :)
If anyone is interested in some pictures of what fits inside what, from a data centre / hosting provider view down to containers, I did these as a reference for our team(s) in GBG (hence the specific application names), there was a talk alongside so they are a bit terse but readable I hope: ashbysoft.com/hosting-to-container...
That was a really good article. Thank you for sharing!
I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Good try. A nice article for me to grab basic idea of Docker.
Great description, since now i was struggling to find some introduction about docker :P , Kudos !
I'm glad you found it useful!!!
Fun article I liked the usage of food :D
Slowly the synapses are clicking into place... Thanks!
Also, I want a burrito now.
This was a helpful intro for me! Thanks for sharing!
Rectangular pizza 😂, btw article was enjoying to read.
That was enlightening and fun to read.
Awesome article! Been wanting to learn docker for some time and this provided a well-described overview of what it can do.
Great explanation! Thanks for sharing.
Finally, my brain understood docker.thanks
That was well written thanks
what a fun way to describe Docker. Do we need a Randall then? I'm learning Docker but I really prefer to work on frontend and backend. I'm doing my best to keep learning and not give up
I think we all need a Randall... I bet they know about docker...
There is a typo here: "it is is it’s own little box,"
Other than that, great article!
That was nice reading. Thank you
Great article!
Are you thinking of doing a "getting started" guide to go along this?
I set up docker for a project yesterday... I still have no idea what I did.... 😂
Thanks for sharing!
Beautifully and very descriptive way of telling what Docker is and I think it might help some pople! I've bookmarked this for people I need to explain what Docker is. Well done!
Please check this out too: "A docker free intro to containers and images"
Nice and fun article! Thanks for sharing!