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The Beginning of My Glow-Up Journey

Hey Guys!
Today I am taking a challenge, where each day I have to do the Following Tasks
1) Daily 2 times Skincare [ I have an acne prone skin & have acne scars ]
2) Learning New Skills & brush up my old skills
3) Go to the Gym
4) Starting a Side hustle

Today is officially my Day - 1
Tasks that I have done

1) Skincare - 1 time [Salicylic Acid face wash, Derma-roller ,
Nicinamide Serum, Vitamin-C Moisturizer]

2) Learns about Blockchain - Proof of work, Proof of stake, master node and nodes

3) Learns Next-JS - File-based routing and auth

4) Did 4 DSA Questions around the topic heap
      Kth largest element in the array
      k closest numbers
      Top k frequent numbers
      Connect Rope to minimize the cost

5) Go to the GYM

6) Watch Undercover the Billionaire [ ep-1 & ep-2 ]
      Things Learnt from this
            Find the Buyer First
            Flipping things to sell at a higher price

If you have any recommendations, please comment.😊

Top comments (2)

jay818 profile image


avah profile image
Avah skincare

Your skin is the largest organ in your body and requires proper care to maintain its health and vitality. By establishing a consistent skincare routine, you can keep your skin clean, moisturised, and protected from environmental damage. Moreover, a good skincare routine can prevent premature ageing, reduce the risk of skin cancer, and enhance your confidence. Led by the best skin specialist in Hyderabad, specialists at Avah can guide you through a five-step routine to achieve healthy and radiant skin.

You can read the article in the below link: