I have made 2 React App
1) Todo List
2) Color Box Maker
To Do List
App - this component should render the TodoList component
TodoList - this component should render the NewTodoForm component and should render the list of Todo components. Place your state that contains all of the todos in this component.
NewTodoForm - this component should render a form with one text input for the task to be created. When this form is submitted, a new Todo component should be created.
Todo- this component should display a div with the task of the todo.
For each Todo component, there should also be a button with the text “X” that when clicked, removes the todo.
Each Todo component should also display a button with the text “edit” that when clicked, displays a form with the task of the todo as an input and a button to submit the form. When the form is submitted, the task of the text should be updated and the form should be hidden.
Color-Box Maker
- App - this component should render the BoxList component.
- BoxList - Place your state that contains all of the boxes here. This component should render all of the Box components along with the NewBoxForm component
- Box- this component should display a div with a background color, width and height based on the props passed to it. NewBoxForm - this component should render a form that when submitted, creates a new Box. You should be able to specify the Box’s width, height, and background color. When the form is submitted, clear the input values.
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Day 14 Completed 🎉