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Jay Tillu
Jay Tillu

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The History behind the word “Computers”.

Today computers are everywhere, on your wrist, on your office table, in your car, in your house, in your TV, even in our Mars Rover. If it is any kind of technology then directly or indirectly there are a somehow computers working behind it.

But have you ever ask your self who invented the name computer, when it was first used and by whom and where?

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the first known use of the word “computer” was in 1613 in a book called The Yong Mans Gleanings by English writer Richard Braithwaite.

But more interestingly in this book the word computer was not used for machines, but instead, it was used for Human-Computer. Human-computer means a person who carried out calculations more speedily than normal peoples. You can even say that they are really powerful and speedy in maths than the average person. At that time women were mostly hired as human computers because they work in less salary compare male. According to Wikipedia By 1943, most human computers were women.

After the creation of early mechanical computers such as Difference Engine and Analytical Engine in 1822, the word computer had more familiar meaning “The Machine that can perform calculations”.

But with the invention of digital electronic computers such as ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer) in 1946. The word computers used for its more modern meaning “The Digital programmable machine”

So, guys, this was all about the little history of our most favorite word the computers. I hope this will help you somehow.

Please let me know in the comments if I missed something or if you have any suggestion please feel free to mail me. Till then Keep Coding, Keep Loving.

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