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Cover image for Create a Linux Virtual Machine in the Microsoft Azure Portal for Beginners by jdbastus
Bastus Babajide Mark
Bastus Babajide Mark

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Create a Linux Virtual Machine in the Microsoft Azure Portal for Beginners by jdbastus

Azure virtual machines (VMs) can be created through the Azure portal. The Azure portal is a browser-based user interface to create Azure resources. This quickstart shows you how to use the Azure portal to deploy a Linux virtual machine (VM) running Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS. To see your VM in action, you also SSH to the VM

You must sign in to azure portal by create a user name and password first. ( and you will login with your new credentials and create your profile

After signing in, these is the a,b,c of logging to a virtual machine with details below with images.

1.Select virtual machine

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2.create a virtual machine

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3.In the virtual machine page, select create

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4.At the instance detail on the left hand side
You create a virtual name my is jdbastuslinuxVM, you choose your region base your subscription for me I pick us east us 2. your availability option no infrastructure redundancy required. security type standard. image ubuntu server 20.04Lts -x64 gen2

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5.Administrator account

you select SSH public Key means you connection to your virtual machine through a public key. in the Username create a username (mine is jdbastuslinuxvm). for SSH public source should be default Generate new Key pair

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6.Under inbound port rules > Public inbound ports, choose Allow selected ports and then select SSH (22) and HTTP (80) from the drop-down. then choose,

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7.Review and Generate you will see this to screen below to validate pass and download private key and create a resources on your virtual machine. Your key file will be download in your pc download folder as for mine is jdbastuslinuxVM.pem and you will need it subsequently as you go on deploying your resources on your virtual machine.

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1.your are now in your virtual machine, select the public IP address and copy it to your clipboard.

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