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5 Good practices to scale your React projects easily

Jeffrey Yu on August 07, 2022

For most React developers, it's easy to just get our hands on writting new lines of code. However, we sometimes missed keeping them organized and p...
dikamilo profile image

Always start with state management

I will add here: abstract here from your current state management tool. Create custom hooks that will provide data. It will be easy to change from for example React providers to Redux when needed just by replacing logic in custom hooks and not refactor every component.

jeffreythecoder profile image
Jeffrey Yu

Great advice! It's clean to wrap hooks like useSelector, useEffect and useMemo in a custom hook and not in the component.

agnel profile image
Agnel Waghela

Hi, @dikamilo, can provide an example? I would like to get a clear idea through it.


jeffreythecoder profile image
Jeffrey Yu • Edited

Yes Tamas, frontend scaling is different than backend. Here I'm talking about how to scale code (size of client app), where modular and extendable code are the keys.

For handling more load like scaling backend, frontend can apply caching and reducing unnecessary requests to backend. Server-side rendered clients could have more cases.

omercohen990 profile image

Also code splitting is pretty important for frontend scaling

fpaghar profile image
Fatemeh Paghar

Great insights on scaling React projects! 👏

Adding to the second point about creating a component library, consider implementing versioning for your library. It ensures that changes or updates to components won't unexpectedly break existing projects using the library. Versioning also facilitates better communication within your team and with other developers who might be using your component library. This practice adds an extra layer of control and predictability to your project's evolution.

Keep up the excellent work! 🚀✨

d4rthv4d3r profile image
Julián Chamalé

Great article, however I disagree with the atomic design as it's not intuitive and building it on top of a library makes it confusing. I prefer the material-ui approach for organizing code in inputs, display, etc.

jeffreythecoder profile image
Jeffrey Yu

That's a good way to organize too! Thanks for suggesting

marwababelly profile image

Thanks for sharing 😊👏

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Good article and I agree having a good state management from the start will make your life easier on when the codebase grows.

wilmela profile image

Nice write up. Thanks for sharing.

madza profile image

wonderful read

israelmitolu profile image

Great article! These are solid points

madza profile image

a great article indeed 👍💯✨

zeffk profile image
Huzaif Qazi

I really liked the atomic design practice 🖤

lyavale95 profile image

Me too

ironcladdev profile image
Conner Ow

Awesome advice, will take note of when I make my next react app!

etnan profile image

Thanks, Jeffrey! Awesome tips.

obayit profile image
Obay Abdelgadir

Totally agrees, I didn't do the global styles and it is giving me a headache now.

rafaelcg profile image
Rafael Corrêa Gomes

Awesome tips, thanks for sharing them!

rkallan profile image

I like your point to create your own ui library.

elsyng profile image

I'll respectfully disagree :o).

For me React is about seeing "component", as opposed to seeing "global". For me React is component-based programming

That includes: state management and styling. I'd avoid anything global as much as possible, and make a component independent (non-sharing) as much as possible.

(Forget folder hierarchies. Stick to a single level of folders as much as possible, such as: components, hooks, pages. The modern IDE's will find the file for you. I think folder trees cause duplication and redundancy.)

jeffreythecoder profile image
Jeffrey Yu

The main reason for doing state management and styling globally is to allow reuse and easier modification in one place.

If you don't do state managment, you still need to communicate state between components, which don't make them independent but coupled. And seperating the logic to handle state and backend calls from components makes the logic independent to use by various components.

Folder hierarchies makes better readibility, but it's really a good pratice where it doesn't impact performance so it's your choice to use it or not.

za5dwunasta profile image
Magdalena Motyl

Yes, fully agree :) Styles and states IMHO should stay as close to the component that needs it as possible, as long as possible.
It reduces the number of rerenders + it is easier to flexibly reuse components.

If you start coupling components with a global state/store sooner or later you won't be able to reuse it in any part of the app that does not use the same global store. And then decoupling it might be a nightmare.

wyarejali profile image
Wyarej Ali

Awesome post. I will apply this on my next projects. I loved it.

zivni profile image

Great writeup.

The only thing I don't like is your use of index.tsx every where. I prefer naming my files by the component name inside (usually one component per file). This apply to other kind of files too.
That way it's much easier to find things, instead of tons of files with the same name.

Another tip is not to use default exports. It's much easier to find uses.

jeffreythecoder profile image
Jeffrey Yu

Hi Ziv, I'm using index.tsx for components because I'm putting styles, types, tests under a folder named after the component's name. index.tsx serves as an access point to a component or a page, where exports can be organized.

I definitely agree with deconstructing exports, but naming one as default also helps identify the exported component. I would do exports in index.tsx like this.

// components/atoms/CustomButton/index.tsx
export { default } from './CustomButton'
export * from './CustomButton.types'
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
// components/atoms/index.tsx
export { default as CustomButton } from './CustomButton'
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Then it's easy to import components in one line, like what Material UI is doing.

import { CustomTextField, CustomButton } from 'components/atoms'
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
edmundo096 profile image
Edmundo Elizondo • Edited

As far I understand, this practice assumes a configured tree shaking on a package bundler.
I have seen sites where unused components and even tests files are still referenced from the index file (and downloaded).
Well configured, it leaves less and shorter imports.

Thread Thread
jeffreythecoder profile image
Jeffrey Yu

Yes Edmundo, tree shaking strictly bundles only explicitly exported modules and avoids unnecessary ones. I believe it's an essential practice for good production build. I also use lighthouse to scan and optomize.

fastndead profile image
Umbetov Asman

i wouldn't say these tips work on behalf of 'scaling' the app per se. these are '5 Good practices to make your React project more maintainable in the long run' i think

jeffreythecoder profile image
Jeffrey Yu

Please check out my reply to Tamas Rigoczki.

spock123 profile image
Lars Rye Jeppesen

I am still baffled how React is a mess when it comes to State management, typing, and dealing with async (backend) requests.

Compared to stuff like Ngrx it seems so ... grotesquely old.

elias_soykat profile image
Elias Soykat

Please share a project code for better understand.