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JetThoughts Dev for JetThoughts

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Bridging the Gap: Building Trust Between Product and Engineering Teams

Companies often see their product and engineering teams competing. This lack of cooperation breeds distrust. It leads to blame games, slowing down development. But building trust solves this. It paves the way for smoother, more efficient work and fosters a friendly environment.

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Proven Strategies for Better Collaboration

To solve this problem, a few methods can help. They operate effectively and gain widespread approval. They can improve the relationship between the product and engineering teams.

  1. Cross-Functional Teams: Combine product managers, engineers, and critical stakeholders into coherent teams. This way, they can thrash out the problems and understand what the staff has in mind.
  2. WIP (Work in Progress) Limits: Limiting ongoing tasks helps teams focus. They can then make small but frequent progress. This increases trust and progress.
  3. Trio Amigos: It involves a product manager, a developer, and a quality analyst right from the start. Considering all viewpoints in this way prevents circular discussions and promotes clear understanding.
  4. Continuous Deployment: This method allows for regular updates and improvements. It enhances the product continuously. Moreover, immediate feedback encourages a culture of ongoing improvement.
  5. Retrospectives: It is a good practice to regularly reflect on what's going well and what's not. Continuous discussions can still address and deal with problems.

The Challenge of Change

Despite these proven strategies, many companies need help with the same issues. So, what's holding them back?

  1. Change is tough. It is always challenging to change established processes. Even though teams may not be satisfied with their existing workflows, they may still be averse to change.
  2. Ignorance: Some companies may have never heard of these methods or benefitted from them. Education and spreading the word are essential.
  3. Local Culture of Blame and Misunderstanding: The company's culture is crucial. Moving away from a blame and mistrust culture requires careful, gradual steps towards cooperation.
  4. Limited resources: New strategies need time, training, and sometimes money. This may be difficult for some companies.

Moving Ahead

Companies should focus on building good relationships and being open to new methods. This can improve cooperation between product and engineering teams. Take Crosslake Technologies, for example. They adopted cross-functional teams, WIP limits, Trio Amigos, continuous deployment, and regular retrospectives. As a result, their productivity increased by 27%, and development time decreased by 33%.

Then why wait?

The time to work on a more collaborative future is right now. As an engineer, product manager, or key stakeholder, you can champion change. You can fix problems between your product and engineering teams. The future is in your hands, and with these strategies, you can curb negative factors, and the way becomes clear for innovation and efficiency.

Top comments (4)

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy ๐ŸŽ–๏ธ • Edited

In my experience, the problems usually stem from hiring product team members that have no technical background. I'm not saying they have to be fantastic engineers or anything, but a good understanding of what goes on during development, and what is and isn't possible will go a long way to improve communication and teamwork.

pftg profile image
Paul Keen

Hm this is good for Eng Managers.

Product guys manage opportunities.

They do not manage dev teams, but provide compass data where we should go based on the feedback from the market analyze and last customers feedback.

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy ๐ŸŽ–๏ธ • Edited

I know that, but the problems arise generally when they have no tech background and cannot effectively communicate with developers / developer managers and vice versa.

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pftg profile image
Paul Keen

I forgot to mention a big thank you for your comment!

In my experience, I implement cross-functional teams and "three amigos" sessions to help engineers understand the product management process. Additionally, I utilize continuous delivery with a minimum viable change of two days to integrate product managers into the engineering process.

This approach enables the team to work together seamlessly with proactive problem-solving strategies.