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Take your Resume Online with Azure CLI: A Beginner's Guide

Get Started:

Before diving in, download the Azure CLI for your machine (Windows, Mac, or Linux) following the official guide: link to Azure CLI download instructions. Think of it as a mini-Azure control center to manage your online resume!

This streamlined guide will show you how to set up an Azure App Service using the Azure CLI, giving your resume a professional online presence.

Logging In:

  1. Sign in to Azure: Open your terminal and type:

    az login

    Azure sign in portal

Follow the on-screen instructions to log in to your Azure account using the Azure portal.

Building Your Foundation:

  1. Resource Group: Imagine a folder for all your Azure resources. That's a resource group! Create one using this command, replacing [name] with your desired group name and [location] with a nearby Azure region:

    az group create --name [name] --location [location]

    Resource group

  2. App Service Plan: This defines the computing resources for your resume. Create a plan using:

    az appservice plan create --name [name] --resource-group [resource_group_name] --sku FREE  # Choose a pricing tier (FREE for this example)

    AppSync Plan

Deploying Your Resume:

  1. Create Web App: Now, create a web app to hold your resume:

    az webapp create --name [name] --resource-group [resource_group_name] --plan [app_service_plan_name]

    AppSync App

Uploading Your Resume:

  1. Access Web App: Head over to the Azure portal and find your new web app. In the blade, seek out the "Development Tools" and click "Go" under "Advanced Tools."
    AppSync Advanced Tools

  2. Open Command Prompt: Open the "Debug console" and choose "CMD" from the top navigation bar.
    Finding Debug Console

  3. Navigate to wwwroot: Click the "site" directory in the list of directories, then click on "wwwroot".
    Locating wwwroot

  4. Edit hostingstart.html: While you can upload any file here, this example assumes an HTML resume. You can edit the existing hostingstart.html.

    Editing the hosting html

    Adding resume in html

See Your Resume Online:

  1. Find your Web App URL: In the Azure portal, locate your web app's overview and look for the "URL" field. This is the public address where your resume will be accessible.
    Locating domain

    Uploaded Resume

Cleaning Up (Optional):

Remember, Azure resources cost money while they're running. To avoid unwanted charges, navigate to the resource group you created and delete it using the Azure portal or the following command:

az group delete --name [resource_group_name]
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Bonus Tips:

  • Customize Your Resume: This guide focuses on deployment. Feel free to personalize your HTML resume with CSS styling and additional information.
  • Consider a Custom Domain: For a professional touch, you can purchase a custom domain name and map it to your Azure web app.
  • Explore Azure Static Web Apps: Azure offers a simpler option called Static Web Apps specifically designed for hosting static content like resumes.

By following these steps, you've successfully created an Azure App Service using Azure CLI and given your resume a permanent online home! Now, potential employers can easily find you and learn about your skills.

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