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A framework for learning for programmers

Joseph Jude on January 21, 2017

I graduated in 1994. COBOL was the popular programming language at that time. Then came DBase Then FoxPro Then Power Builder Then Visual Basic...
i3ryi3e profile image

Great post! Thanks!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Great post Joseph. A lot of the thought behind is to take the sorts of resources and strategies you've outlined and help streamline some of it over time. I will keep referring to this post as a guiding light in its development. Thanks a lot.

daveblythe profile image
Dave Blythe (he/him)

Ben, I have to agree (or at least reinforce and provide you some feedback).
From the couple months that I've been involved and following along with what has been sharing... I'll confirm that you are in fact doing some of what you intend to. In my own perspective, you've quickly jumped to the top 2-3 places I look to for 'healthy reads'. Keep up the great work!

  • Dave
millebi profile image
Bill Miller

If I may add a small suggestion: When learning new things, make sure to "spread" them around within a field.

For example: If interested in data, play with a new database (Btree, NoSQL, BigTable); when interested in a new programming language/tool, cycle around between low-level (assembler-ish), high level (Ruby) and "strange" (Prolog). You may find history repeating itself in new ways.

It's amazing how many concepts from one area are implemented/expressed differently in another area. You may discover that something you learned in Lisp is applicable to data analysis and data storage. Sometimes the connections you can make after "playing" with a number of things can be astonishing. You'll essentially become a "renaisance man/woman" within technology. If you really want to expand you're knowledge of "uncommon things" then mix in some hardware once in a while and look into automotive or something mildly related for interesting ideas and problems.

I personally am at 30 languages doing just this and have found the ideas for implementing solutions in any technology can be profoundly interesting when mixing in ideas from what would be considered "unrelated" areas

bgadrian profile image
Adrian B.G.

So true.

You must realize that there is not enough time in a lifetime to read (not speaking of understand and practice) all the literature behind computer science, although is a new one, only 60yrs old. So I recommend choose the battles you can win.

For example, I'm interested in data engineering, after watching hours of panels and tutorials I discovered all the papers in the field since 1977, so ... ofc I will not have time to go trough all of them.

If you do the math (8h work + 1h launch break + 1-2h commute + 7-10h sleep) and deduct the time of family/hobbies/actually living you don't have much left for personal development, so choose on what you are spending it carefully.

I'm a web generalist, I scope trough many fields and I stop at a certain point. Especially when frameworks/tools are involved because the env changes so fast I realized I would waste time being an expert in just one of these (ex: react, jenkins, docker ...).

As an addition to the article I recommend YouTube panels from conferences and

mirknn profile image
Miriam Keenan • Edited

Yes! Sometimes it's difficult to find time to keep creating new things and learning. I guess our biggest flaw is how well we are able to talk ourselves out of taking the most productive step. Well, that's mine anyway!

I'm actually doing the #100daysofcode challenge, literally only started. I think there's a better chance of getting stuff done now that it's public haha.

daveblythe profile image
Dave Blythe (he/him)

Great stuff, Joseph!
Having been 'between positions' long enough to start to fret about my market-ability... this is probably the most important/relevant thing I'll read, this week.
Great suggestions, and I especially enjoy the graphic.
Thanks for sharing with those of us in the 1-3 year 'scary times'!

  • Dave
kr428 profile image
Kristian R.

"In software industry, only one principle remains true: if you are not updated, you will be outdated."

Word. Couldn't have said it better. ;)

anasmk profile image
Anas Kanhouch

thanks for this great post

vduglued profile image
Aaron Pollock

I need to get my act together in this department. I read a lot, but don't build or write a lot outside work yet. The "X things in X weeks/months" links are interesting.

nsdz profile image

one of the best posts i've ever read, great post sir ♥

amin007 profile image

Now i learning from YouTube

abhinavgalodha profile image
Abhinav Galodha

Wise words and great Advice.

I agree that it's important to unlearn old things and learn new things...

brovic profile image
Victor Ordu

Excellent write-up!

deden profile image

Great post, thanks for share it.

elcotu profile image
Daniel Coturel

I think your approach is very useful.

nawazishtwiter profile image
Nawazish Khan

Amazing post, almost answered everything I was looking for.

umeshdhakar profile image
Umesh Kumar Dhakar • Edited

Great post. Thank you for sharing.

mario21ic profile image
Mario J. Inga Cahuana

Nice post, thanks for share it