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Cover image for v1.0 Launch

Posted on v1.0 Launch

After what felt like an eternity in Beta, I'm thrilled to roll out version 1.0 to the masses. It's been a rollercoaster of bugs, eureka moments, and a fair share of coffee-fueled late nights. But now, it's ready for prime time!

For those out of the loop—and let's be honest, that’s probably most of you—Arcanium is a Stable Diffusion art generator that prides itself on a slick user experience and foolproof simplicity. It survived a grueling six months in Alpha, where I juggled user feedback, tackled bugs, occasionally threw my hands up in frustration, took some sanity breaks, and then dove back in. Just your typical startup drama.

The loudest piece of feedback was clear: “Let me dip my toes in before I dive into the premium pool!” So, I’ve tweaked a few knobs and buttons to make that happen:

  • Enjoy 5 free credits refreshed daily to get your art fix.
  • Enter our Community Showcase competition to snag 250 credits—on the house.
  • Our new Discord Bot is playing cop, keeping the showcase entries clean and the art generation orderly.
  • We've spruced up the app to feel more like, well, an app, and less like a secret society.
  • Choose between flaunting your creations publicly or keeping them under wraps.
  • Upgraded models and sharper, more curated LoRA’s.
  • Keep Plus membership is a steal at just $9 for unlimited access.

As always, I’m here, learning on the fly and tweaking as we go. Is a product ever really finished, or just less beta?

Top comments (1)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Very neat