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João Alisson
João Alisson

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Advanced State Management in React


In large React applications, state management can become a real challenge, especially when data needs to be shared between components located far apart in the component tree. This issue, known as prop drilling, happens when you have to pass props through multiple component levels, even if some of them don’t directly use the data. In apps with many screens and complex features, like banking or payment apps, prop drilling can quickly become unmanageable and hurt both readability and performance.

To solve this problem and make global states easier to access, several approaches have emerged, from using the Context API to more robust tools like Redux, Recoil, and Zustand. In this post, we’ll dive into each option and explore when to apply them in larger projects to improve your code’s organization and performance.

1. Context API

The Context API is a great built-in tool in React that lets you share data between components without needing prop drilling. It’s ideal for managing config states, user authentication, or preferences. However, for dynamic, high-frequency states—like real-time updated lists—the Context API can lead to excessive re-renders, which can impact performance.


  • Simple and easy to implement: As it’s built into React, there’s no need for external libraries.
  • Great for small, stable global states: It works well for data that doesn’t change often, like theme configurations and user authentication.
  • Eliminates prop drilling: Lets you share data without passing props through multiple component levels.
  • Fewer external dependencies: It’s a native solution that keeps the project lightweight.

2. Redux

Redux is still a popular choice for state management in large apps. With middlewares like redux-thunk or redux-saga, you can handle async flows and side effects in a controlled way.


  • Centralized state control: Perfect for larger projects that need complex state management.
  • Scalability: Easily expandable for large-scale apps with tools like combineReducers and middlewares.
  • Easy debugging: Tools like Redux DevTools help inspect state and track actions.
  • Unidirectional data flow: Makes data flow predictable and easier to maintain in larger teams.
  • Middleware integration: Middleware options like redux-thunk and redux-saga make it easier to handle async flows and side effects.

3. Recoil

Recoil is a newer library that uses an atom and selector-based model, making it easier to break down states into smaller, reactive units. Unlike Redux, Recoil lets you manage and update states independently, which cuts down on unnecessary re-renders.


  • Atom and selector-based model: Allows for smaller, independent states that reduce unnecessary re-renders and boost performance.
  • Better modularization of state: Lets you split state into smaller, reactive parts, ideal for complex, interdependent components.
  • Reactivity and easy composition: Selectors enable derived states without duplicating data.
  • Perfect for highly interactive apps: Great for components that need frequent state updates due to its efficient management.

4. Zustand

Zustand is a minimalist state library that uses hooks and is super performant. It’s perfect for projects where Redux is "too much" and the Context API is "too limited." Zustand lets you access and update states directly without the overhead of a centralized flow.


  • Lightweight and minimalist: No complex dependencies, making it efficient and easy to set up. Ideal for apps that don’t need the full power of Redux.
  • Simple, flexible API: Hooks make it easy to directly access state without extra overhead.
  • Boosts performance with smaller global states: Works well for lightweight global states that need to be accessible in multiple parts of the app.
  • Keeps logic separate from UI: Helps keep state management logic outside components, making the UI cleaner and easier to understand.
  • Low re-render overhead: Maintains performance by avoiding excessive re-renders in components not directly using the state.

Which one to choose?

Choosing the best state management solution depends on your project’s size, complexity, and performance needs.

Context API is a great option for small, stable global states like settings and authentication, and its simplicity makes it a quick win for smaller, less complex projects. However, for data that updates frequently, the Context API might cause unwanted re-renders, impacting performance.

Redux remains the classic choice for large and complex apps that require centralized state management. It offers robust control with middlewares and debugging tools, making it easier to maintain and scale in teams. However, its setup and rigid flow might be overkill for projects that don’t need such powerful processing.

For projects with highly reactive components that need independent control over different state slices, Recoil offers a modern, efficient approach. Its atom-based model allows for fine-grained state control, which helps optimize performance by minimizing re-renders. This makes Recoil a good choice for highly interactive apps, though it’s still in an evolving phase.

Zustand is ideal for anyone looking for a quick, lightweight solution without the overhead of Redux. With a simple API, it’s easy to set up and uses hooks for direct state access, making it perfect for apps needing a global state management solution that’s simple and agile. Zustand stands out for its flexibility and performance in handling lighter state complexity.

Ultimately, you can even combine these solutions to maximize performance and code organization. Choosing the right approach ensures that your React Native app stays performant, scalable, and easy to maintain, especially for long-term, large-scale projects like banking and payment apps.

In summary:

  • Context API for smaller, config states.
  • Redux for large apps with complex flows and highly structured data.
  • Recoil for cases with highly reactive components.
  • Zustand for medium projects or when you need lightweight performance.

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