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ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill Series' Articles

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ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill - Intro
Cover image for ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill - Intro

ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill - Intro

Comments 4
3 min read
Episode 001 - The Reference Project - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill
Cover image for Episode 001 - The Reference Project - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

Episode 001 - The Reference Project - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

Comments 5
3 min read
Episode 002 - Project structure plus first application - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill
Cover image for Episode 002 - Project structure plus first application - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

Episode 002 - Project structure plus first application - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

Comments 3
6 min read
Episode 003 - First steps with MVC - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill
Cover image for Episode 003 - First steps with MVC - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

Episode 003 - First steps with MVC - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

Comments 7
9 min read
Episode 004 - The Program and Startup classes - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill
Cover image for Episode 004 - The Program and Startup classes - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

Episode 004 - The Program and Startup classes - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

Comments 6
8 min read
Episode 005 - Dependency Injection - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill
Cover image for Episode 005 - Dependency Injection - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

Episode 005 - Dependency Injection - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

Comments 11
8 min read
Episode 006 - Configuration - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill
Cover image for Episode 006 - Configuration - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

Episode 006 - Configuration - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

7 min read
Episode 007 - Logging - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill
Cover image for Episode 007 - Logging - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

Episode 007 - Logging - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

9 min read
Episode 008 - Middlewares - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill
Cover image for Episode 008 - Middlewares - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

Episode 008 - Middlewares - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

7 min read
Episode 009 - MVC filters - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill
Cover image for Episode 009 - MVC filters - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

Episode 009 - MVC filters - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

7 min read
Episode 010 - Async all the things - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill
Cover image for Episode 010 - Async all the things - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

Episode 010 - Async all the things - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

Comments 4
17 min read
Episode 011 - Data access with Entity Framework Core - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill
Cover image for Episode 011 - Data access with Entity Framework Core - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

Episode 011 - Data access with Entity Framework Core - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

16 min read
Episode 012 - Move to a Web API - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill
Cover image for Episode 012 - Move to a Web API - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

Episode 012 - Move to a Web API - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

Comments 6
9 min read
Episode 013 - Starting the frontend with Vue.js - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill
Cover image for Episode 013 - Starting the frontend with Vue.js - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

Episode 013 - Starting the frontend with Vue.js - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

14 min read
Episode 014 - Centralizing frontend state with Vuex - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill
Cover image for Episode 014 - Centralizing frontend state with Vuex - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

Episode 014 - Centralizing frontend state with Vuex - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

12 min read
Episode 015 - Calling the Web API from the frontend - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill
Cover image for Episode 015 - Calling the Web API from the frontend - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

Episode 015 - Calling the Web API from the frontend - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

5 min read
Episode 016 - Authentication with Identity and Razor Pages - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill
Cover image for Episode 016 - Authentication with Identity and Razor Pages - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

Episode 016 - Authentication with Identity and Razor Pages - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

19 min read
Episode 017 - More Identity, more Razor Pages - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill
Cover image for Episode 017 - More Identity, more Razor Pages - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

Episode 017 - More Identity, more Razor Pages - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

12 min read
Episode 018 - Internationalization - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill
Cover image for Episode 018 - Internationalization - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

Episode 018 - Internationalization - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

11 min read
Episode 019 - Roles, claims and policies - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill
Cover image for Episode 019 - Roles, claims and policies - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

Episode 019 - Roles, claims and policies - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

9 min read
Episode 020 - The backend for frontend and the HttpClient - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill
Cover image for Episode 020 - The backend for frontend and the HttpClient - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

Episode 020 - The backend for frontend and the HttpClient - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

11 min read
Episode 021 - Integrating IdentityServer4 - Part 1 - Overview - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill
Cover image for Episode 021 - Integrating IdentityServer4 - Part 1 - Overview - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

Episode 021 - Integrating IdentityServer4 - Part 1 - Overview - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

6 min read
Episode 022 - Integrating IdentityServer4 - Part 2 - Auth Service - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill
Cover image for Episode 022 - Integrating IdentityServer4 - Part 2 - Auth Service - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

Episode 022 - Integrating IdentityServer4 - Part 2 - Auth Service - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

11 min read
Episode 023 - Integrating IdentityServer4 - Part 3 - API - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill
Cover image for Episode 023 - Integrating IdentityServer4 - Part 3 - API - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

Episode 023 - Integrating IdentityServer4 - Part 3 - API - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

6 min read
Episode 024 - Integrating IdentityServer4 - Part 4 - Back for Front - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill
Cover image for Episode 024 - Integrating IdentityServer4 - Part 4 - Back for Front - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

Episode 024 - Integrating IdentityServer4 - Part 4 - Back for Front - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

13 min read
Episode 025 - Integrating IdentityServer4 - Part 5 - Frontend - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill
Cover image for Episode 025 - Integrating IdentityServer4 - Part 5 - Frontend - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

Episode 025 - Integrating IdentityServer4 - Part 5 - Frontend - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

11 min read
Episode 026 - Getting started with Docker - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill
Cover image for Episode 026 - Getting started with Docker - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

Episode 026 - Getting started with Docker - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

12 min read
Episode 027 - Up and running with Docker Compose - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill
Cover image for Episode 027 - Up and running with Docker Compose - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

Episode 027 - Up and running with Docker Compose - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

Comments 2
13 min read
Episode 028 - Multiple service instances tweaks - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill
Cover image for Episode 028 - Multiple service instances tweaks - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

Episode 028 - Multiple service instances tweaks - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

6 min read
Episode 029 - Simplifying the BFF with ProxyKit - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill
Cover image for Episode 029 - Simplifying the BFF with ProxyKit - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

Episode 029 - Simplifying the BFF with ProxyKit - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

10 min read
Episode 030 - Analyzing performance with BenchmarkDotNet - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill
Cover image for Episode 030 - Analyzing performance with BenchmarkDotNet - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

Episode 030 - Analyzing performance with BenchmarkDotNet - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

19 min read
Episode 031 - Some simple unit tests with xUnit - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill
Cover image for Episode 031 - Some simple unit tests with xUnit - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

Episode 031 - Some simple unit tests with xUnit - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

7 min read
Episode 032 - Upgrading to ASP.NET Core 3.0 - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill
Cover image for Episode 032 - Upgrading to ASP.NET Core 3.0 - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

Episode 032 - Upgrading to ASP.NET Core 3.0 - ASP.NET Core: From 0 to overkill

7 min read
E033 - Redesigning the API: Improving the internal architecture - ASPF02O
Cover image for E033 - Redesigning the API: Improving the internal architecture - ASPF02O

E033 - Redesigning the API: Improving the internal architecture - ASPF02O

Comments 2
8 min read
E034 - Segregating use cases with MediatR - ASPF02O
Cover image for E034 - Segregating use cases with MediatR - ASPF02O

E034 - Segregating use cases with MediatR - ASPF02O

11 min read
E035 - Experimenting with (yet) another approach to data access organization - ASPF02O
Cover image for E035 - Experimenting with (yet) another approach to data access organization - ASPF02O

E035 - Experimenting with (yet) another approach to data access organization - ASPF02O

7 min read
E036 - Making things more object oriented with rich domain entities - ASPF02O
Cover image for E036 - Making things more object oriented with rich domain entities - ASPF02O

E036 - Making things more object oriented with rich domain entities - ASPF02O

Comments 1
7 min read
Better use of types - avoiding nulls with an Optional type - ASPF02O|E037
Cover image for Better use of types - avoiding nulls with an Optional type - ASPF02O|E037

Better use of types - avoiding nulls with an Optional type - ASPF02O|E037

Comments 1
10 min read
More explicit domain error handling and fewer exceptions with Either and Error types [ASPF02O|E038]
Cover image for More explicit domain error handling and fewer exceptions with Either and Error types [ASPF02O|E038]

More explicit domain error handling and fewer exceptions with Either and Error types [ASPF02O|E038]

15 min read
Event-driven integration - Overview [ASPF02O|E039]
Cover image for Event-driven integration - Overview [ASPF02O|E039]

Event-driven integration - Overview [ASPF02O|E039]

6 min read
Event-driven integration #1 - Intro to the transactional outbox pattern [ASPF02O|E040]
Cover image for Event-driven integration #1 - Intro to the transactional outbox pattern [ASPF02O|E040]

Event-driven integration #1 - Intro to the transactional outbox pattern [ASPF02O|E040]

4 min read
Event-driven integration #2 - Inferring events from EF Core changes [ASPF02O|E041]
Cover image for Event-driven integration #2 - Inferring events from EF Core changes [ASPF02O|E041]

Event-driven integration #2 - Inferring events from EF Core changes [ASPF02O|E041]

6 min read
Event-driven integration #3 - Storing events in the outbox table [ASPF02O|E042]
Cover image for Event-driven integration #3 - Storing events in the outbox table [ASPF02O|E042]

Event-driven integration #3 - Storing events in the outbox table [ASPF02O|E042]

8 min read
Event-driven integration #4 - Outbox publisher (feat. IHostedService & Channels) [ASPF02O|E043]
Cover image for Event-driven integration #4 - Outbox publisher (feat. IHostedService & Channels) [ASPF02O|E043]

Event-driven integration #4 - Outbox publisher (feat. IHostedService & Channels) [ASPF02O|E043]

Comments 2
17 min read
Event-driven integration #5 - Quick intro to Apache Kafka [ASPF02O|E044]
Cover image for Event-driven integration #5 - Quick intro to Apache Kafka [ASPF02O|E044]

Event-driven integration #5 - Quick intro to Apache Kafka [ASPF02O|E044]

10 min read
Event-driven integration #6 - Publishing events (feat. Apache Kafka) [ASPF02O|E045]
Cover image for Event-driven integration #6 - Publishing events (feat. Apache Kafka) [ASPF02O|E045]

Event-driven integration #6 - Publishing events (feat. Apache Kafka) [ASPF02O|E045]

9 min read
Shaking things up a bit - ASPF02O Outro
Cover image for Shaking things up a bit - ASPF02O Outro

Shaking things up a bit - ASPF02O Outro

3 min read