DEV Community

Johannes Dienst
Johannes Dienst

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Being a Developer Advocate: Week 11

We are getting serious with our community efforts. But first things first.

Meetup - Live Sketchnoting

I am a huge fan of sketchnoting. In 2019 I had the chance to attend a 6-hour sketchnoting workshop and got hooked on it. it is amazing what you can do with nice pens and a little bit of imagination. Although I lack the skill to draw they usually turn out good enough šŸ˜

With macOS Ventura you can use your iPhone as a webcam and with an old tripod and a smartphone holder I managed to live sketchnote our meetup this week. This is something I will do regularly now as it adds another layer to the talk experience. And you have a gift for your speakers!

Sketchnote of Meetup

Community Reboot

We noticed that we actually have two communities in one Discord space. The one from our meetup and one for our product. In our team, we agreed upon narrowing our Discord down to just our product. That should give us more focus!

Content Syndication

We also started to explore content syndication opportunities to reach more developers.

I am hopeful this will lead to better awareness.

If you want to read up on why and how you should content syndication, there are two nice blog posts from the folks from

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