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Importance of Version Control Systems in Software Development

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Software development is an umbrella term that holds processes like the creation, updation, maintenance, deployment, and designing of software applications. It is an ever-going process that holds the responsibilities of coding, testing, and going public with a software. It is a long process that stretches from analyzing the requirements of software to its design, implementation, coding, testing, and maintenance/updation. When launching software in the global marketplace, using software translation services becomes crucial for the developers. It is to make sure that their software is usable and understandable for multilingual audiences in the global atmosphere.
So we have already discussed that software development is a bigger term, but the thing which you don't know is that version control systems are a part of this umbrella term. Now what are these systems, how do they operate, and what is their importance, this is the main concern of this read which we have crafted for you. So let's dig in and find out more about it.

What Do You Mean By Version Control Systems?

The version control system, short for VCS, is also known by the name “source control”. This system works as an essential tool in software development and looks forward to the management of teams that are responsible for bringing changes to the source code. It keeps track of the modifications brought to the software and facilitates communication between different teams. With the ever-occurring changes in the development field, these systems make it easy for software teams to work faster and smarter.
VCS is also responsible for ensuring the integrity of codebases as multiple contributors are involved in the process. This VCS manages a store, often called a repository, which stores all the project files and their updated versions. Centralized and distributed are two of the types of VCS.


It refers to a centralized server that stores the repository. This type of VCS is beneficial as it allows developers to access as well as bring changes to this central point. One drawback of a centralized version control system (CVCS) is that if the central server goes down, collaborators and developers lose access to the central repository.


In a distributed version control system (DVCS), each user gets a complete copy of the repository, as well as its complete history. It means that developers can bring changes to the code offline and later synchronize those changes with the copy of their repository. The most famous and common example of DVCS is Git. Since then, Git has become the standard example of software development.

Git - The Most Used Version Control System

Git, developed by Linus Torvalds who is the creator of Linux, is a version control system with its lightning-fast performance. It was developed in 2005 and since then it has been the most used distributed version control system (DVCS). A significant number of software projects rely on Git because of its commercial and open-source features. Having a DVCS means that each of the developers has an entire copy of the repository, along with its complete history.

As developers can work both offline and online, it gives them a sense of independence which brings more efficiency and creativity in their work. Git comprises a branching model that consists of different branches of the project. These branches facilitate parallel development (we will discuss this point later in the read) which allows different teams of developers to work on multiple features at once. A staging area or Index is the best feature of Git which is the middle ground between the repository and the directory (the current working area where developers bring changes to the software).

Discussing the Importance of VCS

Version control systems help in keeping track of code changes. They also empower developers to save their previous codes as well as bring new changes to the existing ones.

How Does Version Control System Facilitate Parallel Development?

Parallel development refers to the phenomenon where developers work together simultaneously, on the different features of the same task or code. VCS allows the creation of several branches. Different developers work on these distinct branches without interfering with each other's code. It gives developers a safe area where they can experiment with the code without affecting the stability of the main codebase.

Role in the Effortless Merging of Code Changes

After the development of branches one by one, developers can easily merge the changes to the main codebase as well as with other branches. This merging does not create any problems.

Prevents Data Loss and Manages Assets

The centralized repository saves all the changes which result in securing all the code data in one place. Developers can manage all their digital assets from the repository where they have all the previous as well as updated software codes. Other than the codes, this repository also holds documents, multimedia files, and more. The repository allows developers to store all the components of the project along with the code database.

Final Thoughts!

To sum up, version control systems are crucial for software development as they facilitate the whole process and keep track of the code changes. The two types of version control systems, centralized and distributed, make the process of software development easier and systemized.

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