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Ruby on Rails pattern: Service Objects

Ruby on Rails is an excellent framework for developing large scale applications. It is battle tested for more than a decade and still continues to grow. Many companies have built large scale applications with this like Github or Shopify. However, since it is a monolithic framework, it can grow rapidly and needs proper organization to keep things sane. There are a lot of talks about fat controllers and skinny models. We won't go in that direction. Instead, we will talk about the solution today.

Service Objects

One such pattern to solve fat controllers in Rails is service objects. The name doesn't do justice to what it really is. It is basically plain ruby objects that can offload much of the workload from the controllers. So let's get started and see how we can work with it


We will build a simple API only Ruby on Rails application for this guide. Let's generate our app with

rails new rails-service \
  --skip-action-text \
  --skip-active-storage \
  --skip-javascript \
  --skip-spring -T \
  --skip-turbolinks \
  --skip-sprockets \
  --skip-test \
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We see we skip some of the goodies Rails comes bundled with since we do not need it for this demo. We would not go to explain the migrations or models here, you can check them out in the repo. Instead, let's see the architecture and jump right into a fat controller.


Imagine, we are building a SaaS service where a user can register and subscribe to a certain product. So, we would be handling multiple procedures when the user signs up. So let's see what are they

  • Create user entry with user's data
  • Retrieve the product, he signed up for
  • Create a subscription with that product and add an expiry date when the subscription will expire
  • Assign a dedicated support person for the user
  • We would also update our metrics table with the new revenue that we got from the user. This is necessary for time series aggregation for the investors
  • We would also send him a welcome email about his new subscription

So, a lot happens when a user signs up. Let's see how it looks like in a traditional Rails controller

# app/controllers/v1/user_controller.rb

module V1
  class UserController < ApplicationController
    def create
        ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do 
          # Create User
          prev_user = User.find_by email: params[:email]
          raise StandardError, 'User already exists' if prev_user.present?

          user = User.create(name: params[:name], email: params[:email], pass: params[:pass])

          # Create Subscription
          product = Product.find_by name: params[:product_name]
          raise StandardError, "Product doesn't exist" unless product.present?

          sub = Subscription.create(product_id: product[:id], user_id: user[:id], expires_at: +

          # Assign support person
          support = Support.find_by name: 'Jessica'
          raise StandardError, "Couldn't assign a support person"  unless support.present?

          user.support_id = support[:id]

          # Update Metrics
          Metric.create(user_count: 1, revenue: product.price)

          # Send welcome email
          UserMailer.with(user: user).welcome_email.deliver_later
          render json: { user: user, subscription: sub }
      rescue StandardError => e
        render json: { error: e }
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Here, we are creating a user, then creating a subscription for that user by retrieving the product, assigning a dedicated support person, updating metrics, and sending welcome email. We are definitely doing a lot here. This also violates single responsibility principle of SOLID design pattern. What if we need the same behavior of updating metrics in another controller? We would be duplicating that block of code. Let's fix this

Service Objects

Service objects are Plain Old Ruby Objects (PORO) that are designed to execute one single action in your domain logic and do it well. It follows the single responsibility principle strongly. We should divide all the tasks in the controller into these service objects.

To host these objects inside our Rails application, we would create a services directory. Let's create our first service.

# app/services/create_user_service.rb

class CreateUserService
  attr_reader :name, :email, :pass

  def initialize(name, email, pass)
    @name = name
    @email = email
    @pass = pass

  def call
    prev_user = User.find_by email: @email
    raise StandardError, 'User already exists' if prev_user.present?

    User.create(name: @name, email: @email, pass: @pass)

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This is a simple Ruby class where we send it a few parameters when initializing and then look for the previous user, if not found we create a new user. That's it. Now let's call it from controller. We would use out v2 namespace controller for this

# app/controllers/v2/user_controller.rb

module V2
  class UserController < ApplicationController
    def create
        ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
          # Create User
          user =[:name], params[:email], params[:pass]).call
          render json: { user: user }
      rescue StandardError => e
        render json: { error: e }
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Nice and simple. All the logic of user creation is abstracted away from the controller and we get a nice clean service that we call to handle it. The signature of invoking the service still looks a bit non-intuitive. Let's improve that.

# app/services/application_service.rb

class ApplicationService
  def*args, &block)
    new(*args, &block).call
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We are creating a base class ApplicationService that our service objects will inherit from. This class method creates a new instance of the class with the arguments that are passed into it and calls the call method on the instance. Let's see the usage to clear the confusion.

Let's inherit from the class first.

# app/services/create_user_service.rb

class CreateUserService < ApplicationService

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Nothing else would change from CreateUserService class. Let's see how we can invoke CreateUserService service now.

# app/controllers/v2/user_controller.rb

user =[:name], params[:email], params[:pass])
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We have shortened our service call since we don't need to call new on it anymore. Looks much cleaner. Now that we have an understanding of how service objects can help us organize our code, let's quickly refactor our controller into other services.

# app/services/get_product_service.rb

class GetProductService < ApplicationService
  attr_reader :name

  def initialize(name)
    @name = name

  def call
    product = Product.find_by name: @name
    raise StandardError, "Product doesn't exist" unless product.present?


# app/services/create_subscription_service.rb

class CreateSubscriptionService < ApplicationService
  attr_reader :product_id, :user_id

  def initialize(product_id, user_id)
    @product_id = product_id
    @user_id = user_id

  def call
    Subscription.create(product_id: @product_id, user_id: @user_id, expires_at: +

# app/services/assign_support_service.rb

class AssignSupportService < ApplicationService
  attr_reader :user, :support_name

  def initialize(user, support_name)
    @user = user
    @support_name = support_name

  def call
    support = Support.find_by name: @support_name
    raise StandardError, "Couldn't assign a support person" unless support.present?

    @user.support_id = support[:id]

# app/services/update_metrics_service.rb

class UpdateMetricsService < ApplicationService
  attr_reader :product

  def initialize(product)
    @product = product

  def call
    Metric.create(user_count: 1, revenue: @product.price)

# app/services/welcome_email_service.rb

class WelcomeEmailService < ApplicationService
  attr_reader :user

  def initialize(user)
    @user = user

  def call
    UserMailer.with(user: @user).welcome_email.deliver_later
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We have created five more services, each handling one unit of work. Let's refactor our controller to reflect the changes

# app/controllers/v2/user_controller.rb

module V2
  class UserController < ApplicationController
    def create
        ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
          # Create User
          user =[:name], params[:email], params[:pass])
          # Get Product
          product =[:product_name])
          # Create Subscription
          sub =[:id], user[:id])
          # Assign support person
, 'Jessica')
          # Update Metrics

          # Send welcome email

          render json: { user: user, subscription: sub }
      rescue StandardError => e
        render json: { error: e }
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This looks much cleaner. We have refactored out the fat controller into a more manageable one.

Some Tips

Like every other pattern, we need to also keep our service objects in check and follow some practices so that even if these services grow in numbers, we can continue working at the same pace

Group Similar Service Objects

When we would have a lot more services, we need to group these objects for sanity. For example, we can group everything related to user handling in user group and everything related to subscription management in subscription group.

├── application_service.rb
└── subscription_manager
      ├── create_subscription_service.rb
      └── expire_subscription_service.rb
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Follow One Naming Convention

There are many ways you could name your services, like UserCreator, SubscriptionManager or plain commands like CreateUser, ManageSubscriotion as such. I like calling appending service at the tail so that I know for sure it is a service and avoid naming collision with let's say migration classes.

Single Responsibility Principle

Make sure to follow this with service objects, it should always be doing one thing and one thing only. When it does multiple things, better to break them down into other services


Service objects are an essential pattern to keep our business logic outside controllers. This would reduce a lot of complexity from the codebase. There are some gems that take inspiration from this approach. One of these gems are Interactor gem. We will explore how this would help us in a later article. Til then, stay tuned

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Top comments (4)

a-chacon profile image

I have some observations/questions:

  • What is the benefit of use GetProductService instead of find_by!(name: params[:product_name]) ?. I think the purpose of a Service Object is isolation of business logic. What business logic is in a simple SQL query?
  • The same for the others.

I suggest that the example must be making a service with all the logic in the Transaction block. Not for every action.

joker666 profile image

This blog aimed to show how a chunk of code can be abstracted away in service objects. That's why this simple example. Simplifying a project code is similar to normalizing a database. You control how much you want to do. Each action or a whole set of actions.

fduteysimfinity profile image
  • services should be stateless
  • services are part of application, not web, they shouldn't take URL params such as ids but rather objects. They also should be in lib directory, not app (since web is called app, and app is called lib in rails, so confusing)
  • services should not inherit but rather use composition (and therefore, use their instance variables to represent their link to other services, using Dependencies Injection to manage them)
tripleiconsulting profile image

Ruby is interesting, I may dabble in it one day. It seems easy to follow by reading this