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Cover image for Managing Software Projects
Josh Hornby
Josh Hornby

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Managing Software Projects

During my time working on software projects, I’ve began to spot trends in what makes a successful project. The most common trait I've observed in successful projects is great communication between teams, seemingly the software methodology used has little to do with if a project is a success.
This post outlines some methods I've used in the past to successfully manage projects.

Kick off meeting

In order for a successful project all stakeholders need to be aligned on the expected outcomes. I find the easiest way to achieve this is by bringing everyone involved on the project together for a kick off meeting.

The purpose of this meeting is to ensure everyone understands why this project is being worked on, the goals (eg. what does success look like?) and how it’ll be approached. If during this meeting you have to field lots of questions, I find it’s worth cycling back round and not starting the project until the team are all in agreement.

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