DEV Community

Johnson Ogbonnaya
Johnson Ogbonnaya

Posted on

Web Development from my view.

To build websites and/or web apps you need:

HTML - Markup language
CSS - Styling language

JavaScript is your programming language. It wakes up your sleeping HTML/CSS website, adds life to it and makes it dynamic. Because your website now contains JavaScript, users can interact with your websites from clicking buttons to making payments and beyond.

The basics of web development are those languages above. Then moving forward you'll see the need for libraries and frameworks like React and Next.

React is a JavaScript library
Next is a React Framework.

There's a difference between a library and a framework.

To have a smooth experience learning React, it's better your JavaScript is decently solid.

Building with React is still HTML, CSS and JS under the hood. So having a sound knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript makes the learning of any JavaScript library or framework easier.

React is not the only JavaScript library, there are others but the most popular three you'll hear are:


React is like default because it's hot in the market. Doesn't mean you can't learn the others. A solid JS background and you can pick any of them up.

It's an opportunity to be a part of this internship,whether you're a beginner or you're familiar with what's going on, you're certain to grow. To grow with like minds, gain connections and share what I know with others will be a "mission accomplished" for me at HNG.

I'm eager to sharpen my React skills and learn more during this internship. If you're interested in joining this cohort,the best time to join is right now. 👇

If you're interested in looking for elite freelance talent,you need one link 👇

I'm Ogbonnaya Johnson, a front-end developer with a scoop of backend development.

Top comments (1)

raajaryan profile image
Deepak Kumar

Hello everyone,

I hope you're all doing well. I recently launched an open-source project called the Ultimate JavaScript Project, and I'd love your support. Please check it out and give it a star on GitHub: Ultimate JavaScript Project. Your support would mean a lot to me and greatly help in the project's growth.

Thank you!