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JSDev Space
JSDev Space

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How to Set Up Git Aliases

Setting up Git aliases is a great way to streamline your workflow and speed up common tasks in Git. Aliases allow you to create shortcuts for Git commands, making them quicker to type and easier to remember.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to setting up Git aliases:

1. Open Your Terminal

You must use the terminal or command line interface to set up Git aliases.

2. Edit Your Git Configuration File

Git aliases are set up in your Git configuration file. You can edit this file directly using the git config command or by manually editing the file.

Option 1: Use git config Command

To add an alias, use the git config command with the --global flag to apply the alias globally:

git config --global alias.<alias-name> '<command>'

Option 2: Edit .gitconfig File Manually

You can also manually edit the .gitconfig file in your home directory. This file is typically located at ~/.gitconfig.

  1. Open the file in your preferred text editor:

nano ~/.gitconfig

  1. Add your aliases under the [alias] section. If the [alias] section doesn’t exist, you can create it.

3. Create Useful Aliases

Here are some commonly used Git aliases that you might find useful:

Basic Aliases

  • git s: Short for git status
    git config --global alias.s 'status'

  • git co: Short for git checkout
    git config --global 'checkout'

  • git ci: Short for git commit
    git config --global 'commit'

  • git br: Short for git branch
    git config --global 'branch'

  • git lg: A more readable git log format
    git config --global alias.lg 'log --oneline --graph --decorate --all'

Advanced Aliases

  • git last: Show the last commit
    git config --global alias.last 'log -1 HEAD'

  • git undo: Undo the last commit (but keep changes)
    git config --global alias.undo 'reset --soft HEAD~1'

  • git df: Show a summary of disk usage by repository
    git config --global alias.df 'diff --stat'

  • git amend: Amend the last commit with changes
    git config --global alias.amend 'commit --amend'

4. Verify Your Aliases

To ensure your aliases are set up correctly, you can list all Git aliases by running:

git config --get-regexp alias

This command will display all the aliases you have configured.

5. Test Your Aliases

You can try using your newly created aliases to make sure they work as expected. For example, if you set up git s for git status, simply type:

git s

And it should execute git status.

6. Update or Remove Aliases

If you need to update or remove an alias, you can use the git config command.

  • Update an alias:
    git config --global alias.<alias-name> '<new-command>'

  • Remove an alias:
    git config --global --unset alias.<alias-name>


Setting up Git aliases can significantly speed up your development workflow and make common Git operations more convenient. By creating shortcuts for frequently used commands, you can work more efficiently and reduce the amount of typing required.

Feel free to customize your Git aliases to match your workflow and preferences.

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