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New Possibilities with GraphQL

Nowadays, communities that support software run many blogs to explain the nuances of development. Here you go, GitHub GraphQL for beginners!

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Some code inserts, examples and samples for installation will help at the beginning of the path. If there is a need for a question, you can always leave a comment under the post, I think the developers will not refuse to communicate.

Let's continue our exploration of GraphQL!

schema {
  query: MyQueryType
  mutation: MyMutationType
  subscription: MySubscriptionType
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The diagram allows you to assemble a graph from the previously listed objects and even indicate specific connection points.

enum Episode {

input ReviewInput {
  stars: Int!
  commentary: String

type Mutation{
  createReview(episode: Episode, review: ReviewInput!): Review
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Adding/removing objects happens automatically without the need to understand graph theory (although I recommend it!). It looks like simple functions with a number of parameters.

function Query_person(obj, args, context) {
  return context.db.loadPersonByID(
    userData => new Person(userData)
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Queries about objects are also implemented through functions. The simplest knowledge of the theory of OOP classes will help to form a correct query to the DB.

It looks quite demanding, but I think that's a good thing! Let's not forget about good coding style. I consider the high entry threshold into NoSQL GraphQL to be a plus, since knowledge of scripting constructs/APIs requires a certain developer status.

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