DEV Community

Justice Orogun
Justice Orogun

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I don’t think I know exactly what programming was all about until I gained admission in the Higher Institution to study Computer Science. This was after I had a serious fight with JAMB for five solid years. For me, it was like every year madness. So JAMB keeps welcoming me year in, year out.
Fast forward to Campus life:
One of the most inspiring statements I heard was by Mr. Kingsley Okonta, our first Programming Lecturer. He said, “A computer software is the only product you can take to the market, sell the shadow and still go home with your product.” At first, this statement sounded very hilarious to us. Trust me, we were "Johnny Just Come (JJC)."
Currently, I have come to appreciate the fact that I am in the tech space.
So this brings me to the topic above and here are my reasons:

  1. It is challenging.
    Yes, it is. Even professional developers still need help in solving technical issues or complex problems they are not familiar with. You just have to understand that coding is a CONSTANT LEARNING PROCESS because NOBODY knows it all. The fact that is it challenging is what has given rise to tech champions like Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerburg over the years and these guys still control the tech space globally.

  2. It births creativity.
    Coding is a very creative exercise. Interestingly, you can express yourself because the sky is big enough for you. You just have to take the ideas in your head and bring them to life. And that is exactly what we do at Gygital.

  3. You Are Always Needed.
    As a programmer, you are always a highly sought-after commodity. Web developers are crucial parts of an organization’s online presence. There will ALWAYS be loads of opportunities for you.

  4. The Opportunities Are Worldwide.
    Now, this is the BOMB! Becoming a Developer affords you the opportunity to work remotely. I have been able to communicate and serve clients in and outside Nigeria because everything is done ONLINE! So you can expand yourself to the wider world because you can live anywhere you want, work from anywhere you want, as much as you want. My friend and teammate, Godswill is keen on becoming a Digital Normad.

  5. Coding is the Language Of the Future.
    Coding sometimes uses English words, but everyone across the world uses the same coding languages. So you can build a diverse team to work on the same project. Regardless of your race, region or religion you can work on something special. Perhaps, this explains why Github was created.

BONUS: Did I tell you about the financial aspect? Well, that’s a topic for another day. LOLs....

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