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Jyotirmoy Barman
Jyotirmoy Barman

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Compile and Run C++ file with single custom command

I this article I am going to show how you can write your own custom command in terminal. For the purpose of explanation I am going to show how you can build any run a C++ File with just a single command .

First check if you have intsall the g++ compiler in your computer or not, to check it run this command, it will show the version of your g++ compiler. If it shows you ther version you are ready to go.

g++ --version
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Open your Terminal App in Mac, and type cd this will bring you ~ or /Users/YourUserName folder.

In this folder you need to make a new file in which you want to write the command . For this example I am giving the file name, now let us understand the file name as you can see I have given a . in-front of the file name, dot will hide the file and save from accidental delete. In place of custom_command you can give any file name and the file ends with the extension .sh which is shell script.

This command will make the file.

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Now, We need to write the Script inside this file, open the file with vim.

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Now press I on vim and copy the code below and paste it in the file. After you have pasted the code hit esc and write :wq and hit enter this will save the file changes.


function run(){
        if g++ -std=c++20 $1 -o runed; then
                echo 'Error in '$1
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Code Explanation

First Line #!/bin/bash says that with which we need interact, I our case we are interacting with the bash.

Second we have made a function with the name of run this is the command with which we will compile and run the c++ file at the same time. For an example we have a C++ file name print_helloworld.cpp which output HelloWorld!, first we need to compile it and then run it but with the custom command we can do the both with just one command.

run print_helloworld.cpp
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You can give your own function name, replace the run with your own desired word in the file, for an example if your replace the run with runcpp than you need to type the below code to run the C++ file.

runcpp print_helloworld.cpp
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Now Coming on the third line, as you can see the code if inside if loop ( the loop basically says if the file compile then run the compiled code or else print a error message ). We need to see the line which says g++ -std=c++20 $1 -o runed this mean that we are using a g++ compiler to compile our c++ code and we are using c++ version 20 '-std=c++20' after which we are taking an input $1 which is the file name and creating a new file -o runed in which we will have our complied code.

If the file compiled successfully then it will run the code with the line ./runned.

Back to Setup

After you have successfully made the file open ~/.bashrc with vim if you use Bash or ~/.zshrc if you use ZSH and paste the below command at the last, this will allow to run your command from any session or terminal window.

source ~/
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Notice : If you have changed the file name in which you have written the custom command then replace the with your file name.

Now hit esc and then type :wq and then hit enter. The file has been saved. Now restart you terminal.

Test The Command

run print_helloworld.cpp
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