- When I want to do file renaming even when editing vim, I was wondering if it is possible because of the following points.
- I don't want to use a long command, but a shortcut using key bindings.
- If I forget to save a command like
, I want to save it automatically.
- I want to perform a process interactively.
- So, I'll write a simple setting for renaming with the Leader.
- Open
(configuration file)
- Write the following to
" setting leader
" Use 「Space + other keys」.
let mapleader = "\<Space>"
" Calling a renaming function
" Enables the renaming process in the vim with 「space + n」.
map <leader>n :call RenameCurrentFile()<cr>
" Define the renaming function
function! RenameCurrentFile()
let old = expand('%')
let new = input('NewFileName: ', old , 'file')
if new != '' && new != old
exec ':saveas ' . new
exec ':silent !rm ' . old
- Loading settings in the vim
- As a test, open the file you want to change with vim, press "spacebar + n" to change it as follows, and if it's OK, it's done.
Top comments (1)
That's quite helpful! And yes, everyone should have space as a leader key 😀