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Kartik Kumar
Kartik Kumar

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cs50x week2 ARRAYS

week 2 complete, lecture 3

This week was based on the arrays. Nothing new about it because I have a good knowledge of what an array or 2d array is.

-Basically It was a very good revision of my arrays.

What new I learned??

  • Preprocessing, Compiling, Assembling and linking [Also knew about these concepts before but this was deep dive]
  • Debugger

Problem sets:
1) scrabble = It was easy but i was hurrying, but at the end i did it. we just assign some points to the alphabets and calculates the points on the basis of that and declares wins , tie or lose when 2 users enters a word.
2) readibility = In this problem we just finds the readibility level of the text by some algorithms. The thing that i didn't understood first was the average of characters per 100 words.
3) caesar = It was easy. We just have to encrypt the data by the key user enters by just moving that much key forward. ex- key is 2 then a will become c. and if key is 3 then d will become g and so on.
4) substitution = I faced difficulty in it so i left it for later.

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