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"Why only my friend's PC doesn't change CSS 😱" ~Real story on my project~

There was like this conversation

👩‍💻 🇻🇳 - my friend who lives in Vietnam
👨‍🏭 🇵🇱 - me, lives in Poland

👩‍💻 🇻🇳 I fixed CSS and it was good in my local environment, 
but in test environment(AWS) doesn't change anything

👨‍🏭 🇵🇱 aha

👩‍💻 🇻🇳 could you check it on your PC?

👨‍🏭 🇵🇱 sure .... tadaaam css is changed on my PC

👩‍💻 🇻🇳 what?? yeah exactly...

👨‍🏭 🇵🇱 Have you tried deleting cache?

👩‍💻 🇻🇳 Yeah, I've tried it at first

👨‍🏭 🇵🇱 hmm... could you try to use incognito chrome?

👩‍💻 🇻🇳 Just moment ... it turns out same result...

👨‍🏭 🇵🇱 on incognito chrome as well ??? Maybe CDN cache??

👩‍💻 🇻🇳 How can I check it ?

👨‍🏭 🇵🇱 chrome devtool > Network > Headers > X-cache
I see I get css file from CDN(AWS cloudfront)
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👨‍🏭 🇵🇱 and age means the time when this file was created.
so I get file which is created 118 seconds ago on CDN
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👨‍🏭 🇵🇱 How is it on your PC?

👩‍💻 🇻🇳 age is 279313, so almost 3days ago ! this is the reason !!
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2 days later...
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file name was like main%5BchunkHash%%5D.css, but it should have be like 7530r9w4j0fef0we.css (without "chunckHash")
it means version of css file.

the reason why css file name was not property was mini-css-extrace-plugin version.

after my friend updated version, everything was ok 👍

according to AWS doc, if css name is not included version identifier, cache doesn't update.

Top comments (2)

kaspersfranz profile image
Kasper Sanguesa-Franz • Edited

Another solution could be to invalidate the CloudFront cache :)

piotrek profile image

if you want the CSS to change, you must append a parameter to the CSS file name in HTML, e.g. timestamp
example: "main.css? t = 1650090838"