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Khairu Aqsara
Khairu Aqsara

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Exploring PHP class_alias

class alias in php

In PHP, the class_alias function is a powerful feature that allows you to create an alias for a class. This can be particularly useful in a variety of scenarios, such as maintaining backward compatibility, simplifying long class names, or adhering to different naming conventions. In this blog post, we'll explore how class_alias works and provide examples of how it can be used within design patterns to enhance the flexibility and readability of your code.

What is class_alias?

The class_alias function in PHP creates an alias for a class, which allows you to reference the original class with an alternative name. The syntax is straightforward:

class_alias(string $original, string $alias, bool $autoload = true): bool
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  • $original: The name of the existing class.
  • $alias: The name you want to use as an alias for the original class.
  • $autoload: Whether to autoload the class if it is not already loaded. The default is true.

Example: Singleton Design Pattern

The Singleton pattern ensures that a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to it. Let's see how we can use class_alias to implement and simplify the Singleton pattern.

class DatabaseConnection {
    private static $instance = null;
    private $connection;

    private function __construct() {
        // Assume $dsn, $username, and $password are defined
        $this->connection = new PDO($dsn, $username, $password);

    public static function getInstance() {
        if (self::$instance === null) {
            self::$instance = new self();
        return self::$instance;

    public function getConnection() {
        return $this->connection;
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Creating an Alias

class_alias('DatabaseConnection', 'DB');
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$db = DB::getInstance();
$conn = $db->getConnection();
// Now you can use $conn for database operations
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By creating an alias DB for DatabaseConnection, we simplify the access to the Singleton instance, making the code more readable and easier to maintain.

Example: Factory Design Pattern

The Factory pattern is used to create objects without specifying the exact class of the object that will be created. Let's use class_alias to streamline a Factory pattern implementation.

interface Product {
    public function getName();

class FirstProduct implements Product {
    public function getName() {
        return "First Product";

class SecondProduct implements Product {
    public function getName() {
        return "Second Product";

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Factory Class

class ProductFactory {
    public static function create($type) {
        switch ($type) {
            case 'first':
                return new FirstProduct();
            case 'second':
                return new SecondProduct();
                throw new Exception("Invalid product type");

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Creating Aliases

class_alias('FirstProduct', 'ProductA');
class_alias('SecondProduct', 'ProductB');
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$productA = ProductFactory::create('first');
echo $productA->getName(); // Outputs: First Product

$productB = ProductFactory::create('second');
echo $productB->getName(); // Outputs: Second Product

// Using aliases
$productAliasA = new ProductA();
echo $productAliasA->getName(); // Outputs: First Product

$productAliasB = new ProductB();
echo $productAliasB->getName(); // Outputs: Second Product
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Using class_alias, we create alternative names (ProductA and ProductB) for the FirstProduct and SecondProduct classes. This can be particularly useful in contexts where the original class names are too verbose or when integrating with different naming conventions.


The class_alias function is a versatile tool in PHP that can significantly enhance the flexibility and readability of your code. By creating aliases for classes, you can simplify complex class names, maintain backward compatibility, and seamlessly integrate different naming conventions. This blog post demonstrated how class_alias can be applied in the Singleton and Factory design patterns, showcasing its potential to streamline your PHP applications.

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