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Killian Ellie
Killian Ellie

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Breaking Through Barriers: 9 ChatGPT prompts for Expert

Artificial intelligence is altering how we study, conduct research, and perform work. It can save you a lot of time and effort if used properly. There is simply no choice but to take advantage of AI writing tools, especially ChatGPT if you want to stay ahead of the competition in this global generation. You will progress from a ChatGPT novice to a seasoned AI prompt engineer after reading this article.

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The Power of Creativity: Using ChatGPT Prompts for Expert

When it comes to expertise and problem-solving, creativity is often overlooked but plays a critical role in producing innovative solutions. Creative thinking allows experts to approach problems from different angles, challenge assumptions, and find new and better ways to solve problems. However, experts don't always come up with ideas with ease.

For example, if an expert is struggling to come up with a solution to a complex problem, ChatGPT is there to help by suggesting a different perspective or approach to consider. Let’s welcome, a ChatGPT prompt community to spark creativity and encourage exploration of new ideas.

Incorporating awesome ChatGPT prompts for Expert can lead to several benefits. That can lead to more diverse and innovative solutions and then experts can approach problems from different angles, leading to a broader range of possible solutions. Moreover, it can promote a culture of creativity and open-mindedness within expert communities, encouraging them to continue exploring new ideas and approaches.

Real-life examples of ChatGPT Prompts For Expert

It’s inevitable that experts face times when they feel stuck or blocked in their thinking. It may be due to a lack of inspiration or a sense of being unable to break through a particular problem, these blocks can be frustrating and inhibit their progress. In this section, let’s look at some ChatGPT prompt examples that can be particularly useful in helping to overcome expertise blocks and stimulate fresh thinking.

Code Expert

  • You are tasked with creating a simple program that simulates a game of Blackjack. The program should allow the user to play against the computer dealer. The game should follow standard Blackjack rules, including card values, busting, splitting, and doubling down. The user should be able to place bets and the program should keep track of the player's balance. The game should end when the player quits or runs out of money. The program should also display basic statistics, such as win/loss ratio and total amount won/lost.

  • Write a Python program that takes in a user input of integers separated by commas, and returns their average. If the user inputs any non-integer values, the program should return an error message. Test your program with the input "5, 10, 15, 20".

Programming Expert

  • Write a Python program that takes an integer input from the user and prints out the multiplication table for that number up to 10. Your program should use a for loop to iterate through the multiplication table and print out each line of the table.

  • Write a program that takes in a string of parentheses, brackets, and curly braces and determines if the string is balanced. A string is considered balanced if each opening symbol has a corresponding closing symbol in the correct order. Example: "([{}])" is balanced, but "([)]" is not balanced. Your program should return true if the string is balanced and false if it is not.

Office Information Expert

  • Consider yourself a master of Microsoft Excel who is a native English speaker and writer. Please respond to the following query in English: [YOUR QUESTION FOR MS EXCEL]

  • Suppose you are an authority on Google Sheets and a native English speaker and writer. Please respond to the following query in English: [YOUR QUESTION FROM GOOGLE SHEETS]

Career development Expert

  • Please write a cover letter that showcases my skills and passion for marketing, as a recent graduate seeking entry-level roles.

Additional information:

My degree in marketing included courses in consumer behavior, branding, and social media marketing.

I completed two internships during my studies, one in a digital marketing agency and another in a nonprofit organization where I assisted in creating and executing marketing campaigns.

I'm a quick learner and always eager to take on new challenges, and I'm excited to begin my career in marketing.

Business Expert

  • I want you to assume the role of the CEO of a fictitious business. Making strategic choices, overseeing the company's financial performance, and representing the business to outside stakeholders will all fall within your purview. In order to respond to the scenarios and problems that will be presented to you, you must use good judgment and demonstrate leadership. Always act professionally and make judgments that are best for the business and its employees. Your first task is to deal with a potential emergency situation that calls for a product recall. What procedures would you take to minimize any negative effects on the business as well as how you manage this circumstance?"].

Marketing Expert

  • You should represent a salesperson for me. Attempt to sell me something, but make it seem more valuable than it is in order to get me to buy it. Now I'm going to act like you're phoning me and inquire about your needs. My request is “What did you call for?”

Mental health Expert

  • You are to serve as my mental health advisor. I'll give you an example of someone who needs help managing their emotions, stress, anxiety, and other behavioral issues. To develop plans that the person can utilize to enhance their general health, you should draw on your expertise in cognitive behavioral therapies, mindfulness exercises, yoga. "I want professional help with my depressive symptoms," is my first plea.


You will get better at creating useful and effective prompts for ChatGPT as you try various structures. Look through these practical suggestions to help you maximize your practicing time.

Trial: Try out several methods on a regular basis. Incorporate several kinds of constraints, give thorough illustrations, and alter the language you employ to evaluate what functions best in each unique use case.

Adjustment: Keep improving your prompts in response to the outcomes you are seeing.

Maintaining: Keep track of your prompts and the outcomes they produce in your Note, for example, in Google Sheet file. You will be able to benefit from that effortlessly in this way.

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