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Cover image for A complete angular progress bar ✨
Nicola Taddei
Nicola Taddei

Posted on

A complete angular progress bar ✨

Hi guys,

I think I created a great customizable progress-bar for angular2+.


🧨 Features 🧨

Classic features 🎁 :

β€’ Possibility to choose a bar, a spinner or both of them
β€’ Custom color
β€’ Custom height and diameter
β€’ Indeterminate bar like Material
β€’ Spinner speed

Other features πŸŽ†:

β€’ Possibility to show an overlay
β€’ Custom overlay value
β€’ Http interceptor and urls filtering
β€’ It supports multiple requests. If during the bar progress another request is fired, bar will not reset and keep going until all requests are completed.

Killer feature πŸŽ‡:

It can be instantiated multiple times. Only the deepest one will be displayed

Check it out πŸ‘‰πŸ»

GitHub logo kKen94 / ngx-progress

The most powerful and customizable progress bar for Angular ✨

@kken94 /ngx-progress

Build Status npm version CodeClimate Codacy code style: prettier semantic-release license Donate

NgxProgress is customizable Angular library for showing a progress bar during http request and/or routing change (or all you want) and prevent user interaction.


Please read the changelog


If you use npm

npm install @kken94
/ngx-progress --save

If you use yarn

yarn add @kken94


Choose the most suitable module for you.

There are two modules:

  • NgxProgressModule (manage progress bar by yourself)
  • NgxProgressHttpModule (import progress bar and intercept http requests)

Warning: to use http module import that in your app.module.ts, then import NgxProgressModule where you want to use progress bar.

import { NgxProgressHttpModule } from '@kken94/ngx-progress'
  declarations: [AppComponent]
  imports: [
  bootstrap: [AppComponent],
export class AppModule {}

and place it into the element you want to cover.

Note: If you want to use overlay be sure that the parent element has position:relative Overlay works with position:absolute, top:0, left:0

<div style="position:

Would you like to help me test it and find bugs? 😁

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