I began to code because...
I found love in building things, i wanted to do something different, make an impact and break stereotypes while doing it
I recently overcame...
My fear for working on the client side, i took up the #100DaysOfCode challenge and currently using it as an opportunity to build my front end skills
I want to brag about...
My engagements with the growing female developer community in my country Nigeria, and Africa through my self-found organization: She code Africa, we've been able to organize training on web development both online and offline, curate and publish stories on African women in tech doing amazing works in the African tech space.
I'm an expert at...
Web development : Python, JavaScript,HTML,CSS
My advice for other women and non-binary folks who code is...
Never feel stereotyped, if you think it and you will it then you can do it!
My advice for allies to support women and non-binary folks who code is...
Create a welcoming environment for the women while trying not to generalize on her skill being low just because she is a woman.
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