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Kouki Badr
Kouki Badr

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EasyDeps : brick-ception

The Flutter ecosystem is abuzz with a new framework – Mason. Boasting over 300 bricks and counting, it's a construction zone of awesome functionality. But what if we could take things a step further? Enter the meta-brick, a brick built specifically for other brick developers.

This isn't your average UI brick. It's about streamlining the workflow for fellow brick builders. Imagine a world without manually managing dependencies in each brick. This innovation offers centralized dependency management through a dedicated package.json file, keeping your code clean and organized.

Picture this: You integrate your brick into a Flutter project, and poof! All necessary dependencies are installed automatically. That's the magic of this brick.
Additionally, it champions project structure, residing within a dedicated hooks directory for a minimalist's dream layout.

Ready to unlock this developer superpower? Buckle up – we'll be diving into EasyDeps, with clear instructions that demystify the process. It's recursion made simple, without the headache of explaining Inception.

How this project work?


Get your brick on board with mason add easy_deps (or go global with mason add -g easy_deps).


Unleash the magic with mason make easy_deps. This brick is low-maintenance – no pesky questions to slow you down.

Dependency Nirvana:

Boom! You've got yourself a packages.json file nestled within your brick's folder.

But Wait, There's More!

easy_deps doesn't stop at a fancy package.json. It also introduces some undercover heroes:

package_installation_handler: This bad boy parses your package.json, ensuring all the dependencies are listed and ready for action.

post_gen.dart: In the early days, easy_deps might be a little overzealous, replacing your existing post_gen.dart It simply includes the call to the package_installation_handler code, ensuring your dependencies are installed smoothly.

Don't worry the package.json will be deleted once your brick is integrated into the app project, It's all temporary.

Here's the good stuff:

Manual configuration?

More like "manual vacation!" This bad boy handles it all, so you can spend your time on more important things.


The dependency handler chills in the hooks directory, keeping your project looking like a masterpiece.

Dedicated package.json for dependencies?

Think of it as your own personal spice rack – everything neatly organized and ready to flavor your app just right. No more hunting for that elusive sprinkle of unicorn dust dependency.

Well, that's just next-level meta, who are we to judge brick-ception dreams?

Feel like to contribute to this project? head to github and send me your PRs and Issues

Also head to brickhub page to learn more about easy_deps

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