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Kinx v1.0.0, Officially Released!

Hi everyone!

I released Kinx v1.0.0 officially! Please see Release Page of Kinx


The Kinx v1.0.0 is a 1st official release version including all features developed from the beginning of this project.

By the way, this is a top secret but the next goal is a syntax highlight on GitHub. It's so hard because I hear one of the criteria is that the Kinx is used in hundreds of repository...

...I hope a little you will create a repository which using Kinx if possible.

Small Description About Kinx

The Concept

The concept is, "Looks like JavaScript, feels like Ruby, and it is a script language fitting in C programmers."

  • Looks like JavaScript ... It provides C family syntax.
  • Feels like Ruby ... Enjoy programming.
  • Fitting in C programmers ... It is easy to use for many programmers.

"C programmers" in this context means "almost all programmers." Because I think almost all programmers have used or known C language at least. And "Providing C Like Syntax" as well also means "friendly for almost all programmers."


Mainly there are features below.

  • Dynamic typing and Object-Oriented programming.
  • Classes and inheritance, Higher order functions, Lexical scoping, Closures, Fiber, Garbage Collection, and so on.
  • Native function by JIT compiling supported with some limitations. Very fast.
  • Useful libraries are provided as All-In-One.


Kinx is including useful libraries below in the standard package as All-In-One.

  • Zip ... Zip/Unzip with not only zip password but also AES password.
  • Xml ... Supporting XML as DOM structure.
  • libCurl ... Only HTTP has been already implemented.
  • SSH ... SSH login and you can execute commands.
  • Socket ... Supporting a simple TCP/UDP socket.
  • Iconv ... Converting between text encodings.
  • SQLite3 ... Database class as a useful library wrapping SQLite3.
  • Regular Expression ... Regular expression is of course supported.
  • Parser Combinator ... Exactly original implementation of Parser Combinator named as Parsek like Parsec.
  • PDF ... PDF core library based on HaruPDF.
  • JIT ... JIT library for various platforms by an abstracted assembler library.



You can download an installer from Releases page.

Scoop (for Windows)

Or you can also install it by scoop.
Type the following.

# scoop bucket add is needed only at the first time.
scoop bucket add kinx
scoop install kinx
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How To Run

After confirming the command path of kinx or kinx.exe, run your script as follows.

# For Windows
$ kinx.exe [options] [<script-file>]

# For Linux
$ kinx [options] [<script-file>]
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Specification will be mostly completed so far for v1.0.0. Please look at this and try to use Kinx.


There are a lot of examples in the document on the repository, but I will only show a small example in this section. Please see the document.

hello, world.

Here is the 1st script that everyone should write.

System.println("hello, world.");
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You will think it seems to be a JavaScript.

function fib(n) {
    if (n < 3) return n;
    return fib(n-2) + fib(n-1);

System.println("fib(34) = ", fib(34));
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Fibonacci in native

Replacing function by native, that makes faster. Please try it now.

native fib(n) {
    if (n < 3) return n;
    return fib(n-2) + fib(n-1);

System.println("fib(34) = ", fib(34));
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The function object has a lexical scope and you can use a closure.

function newCounter() {
    var i = 0;          // a lexical variable.
    return function() { // an anonymous function.
        ++i;            // a reference to a lexical variable.
        return i;

var c1 = newCounter();
System.println(c1()); // 1
System.println(c1()); // 2
System.println(c1()); // 3
System.println(c1()); // 4
System.println(c1()); // 5
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Anonymous function is easy to be written.

function calc(x, y, func) {
    return func(x, y);

System.println("add = " + calc(10, 2, { => _1 + _2 }));
System.println("sub = " + calc(10, 2, { => _1 - _2 }));
System.println("mul = " + calc(10, 2, { => _1 * _2 }));
System.println("div = " + calc(10, 2, { => _1 / _2 }));
// add = 12
// sub = 8
// mul = 20
// div = 5
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Of course, a class is available.

class A {
    var flag_ = false;  // a local private variable.
    public flagOn() {
    public flagOnActual() {
        @flag = true;   // a public variable.

var a = new A();
System.println(a.flag ? "true" : "false");  // => true
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Module can mixin into a class.

module M {
    public method1() {
        System.println("This is a method1");

class A {
    mixin M;

new A().method1();  // => This is a method1
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You can use Fiber.

var fiber = new Fiber {
    System.println("fiber 1");
    System.println("fiber 2");

System.println("main 1");
System.println("main 2");
System.println("main 3");
// main 1
// fiber 1
// main 2
// fiber 2
// main 3
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Spread/Rest Operator

It was introduced by ES6 of JavaScript. I wanted it so much, and it is so useful. There's a lot of use cases, but here is a simple example.

function sample(a1, a2, ...a3) {
    // a1 = 1
    // a2 = 2
    // a3 = [3, 4, 5]

sample(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
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Pattern Matching

It supports an assignment by pattern matching. Of course it can be also used in declaration and a function argument.

[a, b, , ...c] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
{ x, y } = { x: 20, y: { a: 30, b: 300 } };
{ x: d, y: { a: e, b: 300 } } = { x: 20, y: { a: 30, b: 300 } };

System.println("a = ", a);
System.println("b = ", b);
System.println("c = ", c);
System.println("d = ", d);
System.println("e = ", e);
System.println("x = ", x);
System.println("y = ", y);

// => .y.b requires 300, but it is 3 in actual.
{ x: d, y: { a: e, b: 300 } } = { x: 20, y: { a: 30, b: 3 } };

// a = 1
// b = 2
// c = [4, 5, 6]
// d = 20
// e = 30
// x = 20
// y = {"a":30,"b":300}
// Uncaught exception: No one catch the exception.
// NoMatchingPatternException: Pattern not matched
// Stack Trace Information:
//         at <main-block>(test.kx:14)
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Pipeline Operator

Pipeline operator is also supported.

function doubleSay(str) {
    return "%{str}, %{str}";
function capitalize(str) {
    return str.toUpper(0, 1);
function exclaim(str) {
    return str + '!';

var result = exclaim(capitalize(doubleSay("hello")));
System.println(result); // => "Hello, hello!"

var result = "hello"
  |> doubleSay
  |> capitalize
  |> exclaim;

System.println(result); // => "Hello, hello!"
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Function Composition Operator

You can also composite functions!

const double = &(n) => n * 2;
const increment = &(n) => n + 1;

// Normal case.
var r1 = double(increment(double(double(5)))); // 42

// Function composition operator is higher priority than a pipeline operator.
var r2 = 5 |> double +> double +> increment +> double; // 42
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I finally release it officially, but of course there may be a bug or some unexpected behavior.

If you try to use it, I am very appreciated. When you faced a problem, please let me know via Issues in the repository. I will welcome any report.

Again, please see Kinx specification for details.

Many thanks.

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