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Image description is a collection of computer programs which helps us to perform some task .where in software testing is process which helps us to rectify the error in developed project by using different methodology before the use in market/end user.

Image description testing follows common process with Task or steps which are included in testing environment it also verify the test case and the test result of error or defect report to check the project. we need software testing to validate a project without any error or defect in the project.

UNIT TESTING: In unit testing we check a small portion by using two approach white box and black box testing.
SYSTEM TESTING: This testing is done in the customer environment where customer check for all requirement are met.
INTEGARTION TESTING: A small block of unit is integration and testing is done by the integration part.

Image description testing is relevance for identifying any issue and defect with the written code in the project so that they can be corrected or fixed before the software product is delivered and also it improves the product quality when it comes to the customer end. Testing of a system helps to identify gaps, errors, or any kind of missing requirements differing from the actual requirements.

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