Basic Linux Commands for developers
S.No | Description | Commands |
1 | List all files in a long listing (detailed) format | ls -al |
2 | Display the present working directory | pwd |
3 | Create a directory | mkdir |
4 | Remove (delete) file | rm file |
5 | Remove the directory and its contents recursively | rm -r directory |
6 | Force removal of file without prompting for confirmation | rm -f file |
7 | Copy file1 to file2 | cp file1 file2 |
8 | Copy source_directory recursively to destination. If destination exists, copy source_directory into destination, otherwise create destination with the contents of source_directory | cp -r source_directory destination |
9 | Rename or move file1 to file2. If file2 is an existing directory, move file1 into directory file2 | mv file1 file2 |
10 | View the contents of file | cat file |
11 | Browse through a text file | less file |
12 | Display the first 10 lines of file | head file |
12 | Display the last 10 lines of file | tail file |
S.No | Description | Commands |
1 | Create tar named archive.tar containing directory | tar cf archive.tar directory |
2 | Extract the contents from archive.tar | tar xf archive.tar |
3 | Create a gzip compressed tar file name archive.tar.gz. | tar czf archive.tar.gz directory |
4 | Extract a gzip compressed tar file. | tar xjf archive.tar.bz2 |
5 | Create a tar file with bzip2 compression | tar cjf archive.tar.bz2 directory |
6 | Extract a bzip2 compressed tar file | tar xjf archive.tar.bz2 |
S.No | Description | Commands |
1 | chmod 777 filename | rwx rwx rwx |
2 | chmod 775 filename | rwx rwx r-x |
3 | chmod 755 filename | rwx r-x r-x |
4 | chmod 664 filename | rw- rw- r-- |
5 | chmod 644 filename | rw- r-- r-- |
S.No | Description | Commands |
1 | Display DNS information for domain | dig domain |
2 | Display DNS IP address for domain | host domain |
4 | Display all local IP addresses of the host. | hostname -I |
5 | Display listening tcp and udp ports and corresponding programs | netstat -nutlp |
S.No | Description | Commands |
1 | Search for a package by keyword | yum search keyword |
2 | Install package | yum install package |
3 | Display description and summary information about package | yum info package |
4 | Install package from local file named package.rpm | rpm -i package.rpm |
5 | Remove/uninstall package | yum remove package |
S.No | Description | Commands |
1 | Search for pattern in file | grep pattern file |
2 | Search recursively for pattern in directory | grep -r pattern directory |
3 | Find files and directories by name | locate name |
4 | Find files in /home/john that start with "prefix". | find /home/john -name 'prefix*' |
VIM Exiting
S.No | Description | Commands |
1 | write (save) the file, but don’t exit | :w |
2 | write out the current file using sudo | :w !sudo tee % |
3 | write (save) and quit | :wq or :x or ZZ |
4 | quit (fails if there are unsaved changes) | :q – quit |
5 | quit and throw away unsaved changes | :q! or ZQ |
6 | search for pattern | /pattern – |
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