Hey everyone today someone asked me to share some of the good resources for Blockchain. I advised him not to get into the trap of highly marked courses. Better to follow these people or groups and participate in hackathons hosted by these groups.
And if you are a college student then please focus on your syllabus as well. :)
The List sequence doesn't hold any importance. But they all hold a good position in Blockchain world. Will keep updating the list. but for the first look, these names came to my mind. There are some Indian influencers who are contributing in Blockchain, will be adding them in this or next article.
It’s hard to start, so I would suggest to go through these list and understand what is going on.
Good courses to follow, (Follow the groups as well to get updated informations): (Directly try these courses from these websites)
- https://cryptozombies.io/en/course/
- https://docs.soliditylang.org/en/v0.8.3/solidity-by-example.html
- https://www.hyperledger.org/use/tutorials — https://developer.ibm.com/tutorials/cl-ibm-blockchain-101-quick-start-guide-for-developers-bluemix-trs/
- https://cognitiveclass.ai/courses/blockchain-course
- Full theory and u will get certifcate in association with IIT https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/105/106105184/
- https://ethereum.org/en/developers/tutorials/
- https://ethereum.org/en/defi/
- https://web3js.readthedocs.io
- https://infura.io
- https://www.iota.org
- https://consensys.net/blockchain-use-cases/decentralized-finance/
- Signal
- and technologies that u should be good at MERN, GO, NodeJS
- https://twitter.com/MetaMask
- DFTs
- Latest block chain launches
Groups to follow for News, updates or hackathons by these groups:
- https://devfolio.co/home/
- https://devpost.com
- https://twitter.com/ETHGlobal
- https://twitter.com/ETHIndiaco
- https://twitter.com/ConsenSysIndia
- https://twitter.com/Coinbase
- https://twitter.com/LibraReserve
- https://twitter.com/BinanceChain
- https://twitter.com/NEARProtocol
- https://twitter.com/CryptoKitties
- https://twitter.com/ForbesCrypto
- https://twitter.com/Tronfoundation
- https://twitter.com/binance
- https://twitter.com/trufflesuite
- https://twitter.com/0xProject
- https://twitter.com/NEMofficial
- https://twitter.com/CoinDesk
- https://twitter.com/Ripple
- https://twitter.com/litecoin
Peoples to follow:
- https://twitter.com/ethereumJoseph
- https://twitter.com/cz_binance
- https://twitter.com/justinsuntron
- https://twitter.com/DavidSonstebo
- https://twitter.com/ethereumJoseph
- https://twitter.com/hudsonjameson
- https://twitter.com/VitalikButerin
- https://twitter.com/TheRealKartik
- https://twitter.com/thebitsian
- https://twitter.com/tyler
- https://twitter.com/dandoll
Other then blockchain, you can explore these groups
- https://twitter.com/googledevgroups
- Microsoft developers
- codeforces.com
There are some Indian influencers who are contributing in Blockchain, will be adding them in this or next article.
Thankyou. For more queries or information on how to star or work with Blockchain, please feel free to connect on any platform
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