DEV Community

Sufyan Nadeem
Sufyan Nadeem

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Hacktoberfest 24' : My First Open Source Contribution

This is a submission for the 2024 Hacktoberfest Writing challenge: Contributor Experience

Participating in Hacktoberfest 2024 was my first step into the world of open-source, and it has been a truly memorable experience. At first, I was unsure of where to begin. But after some exploration, I discovered the Super Tiny Icons repository, and that’s where my journey really took off.

Submitting my first pull request was both exciting and nerve-wracking. Fortunately, the maintainer, edent, made the process much easier for me. As he patiently guided me through my first PR, providing helpful feedback and making sure I understood the changes needed. Their encouragement gave me the confidence to continue exploring and contributing to other repositories. Due to his help, I was able to complete all 4 of my PRs and make meaningful contributions.

Hacktoberfest not only enhanced my coding and collaboration skills but also introduced me to the value of community-driven projects. it was an opportunity to contribute meaningfully and connect with a global community of like-minded developers. I’m grateful to edent and everyone else in the community who made my first experience so positive. I can’t wait to participate again next year and grow even further as an open-source contributor.

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