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Lakshita Kumawat
Lakshita Kumawat

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5 Things to Keep in Mind while designing a Website

Every designer think to make a perfect website for his client. Here are the most Important things that I think you should always keep in Mind while designing:

1. The Goal of the Website


While you design a website make sure you think the following questions:

  • What are the main target audience of your website?
  • Why they will visit your website?
  • What they want?
  • Why will they choose you?
  • Or What is special about your website?

These question are very helpful to find the main goal of the website But make sure to write less lines which are easy to understand. No one will read your content if it is too big!

2. Hero Section

Hero Section are the first impression of the website. If your hero section does not look good then the client will Not even scroll your website!

Hero Section

Your should make your hero section Unique and Creative. You should focus on the goal of the website and add images related to your content. You can also write a quote that matches your goal to make it attractive.
Try to make your content short and easy to understand. Only write the important things about your website and don't write things that does not relate to your goal!

3. Images

Images give a nice impression about your website. If you visit any website, you will see that there are many images related to the content. People don't like to read much. Images are best way to express your content. You should always select the right image for your content. A bad image can also destroy the look of your website.
Look at the image below. It is a good example of using a good image.

Image description

If you use a image in the background of the Hero Section make sure not to use high contrast images, they looks bad. Also make sure there is enough spacing in the image to write your content. Never write your content over the image make sure to write at a empty place.

If you use the image in the Hero section also make sure that the color of your image match your website. You can also use your Hero section image to select your color palette. If your website color does not match with your image it looks strange.

4. Proper Spacing And Alignment

If you see any website, you will see that all the elements are properly align and have proper spacing.

Spacing is an important thing which make your website easy to read. You should not use all the space for writing the content. Its will make a huge mass!! Instead try to give nice spacing between all the elements. It will make your website look more better then a mass.

Alignment is also important. You should properly align your elements. Most of the junior designer get confused which alignment will looks good for their website? Most of the Designer prefer left alignment as it look good on all websites.

5. Correct Fonts

The last thing to keep in mind is to use the correct font. If the font is not correct, it will also make your website look bad. It is important to chose a correct font. You can see different kinds of fonts from Google Fonts and you can also use it in your code. You can also read article on how to chose correct fonts on other website.

So Here are the 5 main things to keep in mind while reading a website. Thanks for reading for that long. Hope you like the post. I try to make it simple and easy to understand.

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