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A year as Android Engineer

Lara Martín 👩‍💻 on May 21, 2018

Two years ago I started my career in tech. I started as QA Tester and then transitioned into a developer role a year after. Not without a lot of ef...
chrisvasqm profile image
Christian Vasquez

Thanks for sharing your story, Lara!

We have a similar path. I'm almost 2 years into QA and I want to make a switch to Android development and I find your posts to be both inspiring and informative :)

Keep it up 👏

lariki profile image
Lara Martín 👩‍💻

Thank you! Are you working with a Mobile Team or is there one in the company you work at? This will make it easier to do the jump. Regardless, keep working hard! You know it is possible to switch completely!!

I'm glad these posts help you in a way to see it's possible, because it is! 💪

chrisvasqm profile image
Christian Vasquez

Hey Lara,

Hope you are doing well. I completely missed this reply hahaha.

"Are you working with a Mobile Team or is there one in the company you work at? "

There was one, but I ended up getting tired of waiting and waiting for an opportunity and jumped to another company to work on Android.

I'm happy to have finally switched from QA to DEV, but my experience is nearly identical to the one you describe in your first role :/

annarankin profile image
Anna Rankin

Wonderful! I'm so glad you found a workplace where learning and professional development are recognized as priorities. It sounds like you made the best of your first situation too, despite difficult circumstances. One hundred high-fives to you! 🙌

lariki profile image
Lara Martín 👩‍💻

thank you so much!!! 🙌 sometimes you don't know which things are making your progress more difficult until you think about it. I wish I knew earlier to do something about it!

putopavel profile image
Pavel Razgovorov

Enhorabuena por el artículo, Lara. Motiva mucho leer cómo alguien sigue superando sus obstáculos por muy dificiles que sean estos, en especial todo aquello que cuentas sobre la anterior empresa en la que trabajabas, en donde prácticamente no tenías oportunidad para aprender ni formarte en aquello a lo que querías dedicarte.

Que hayas conseguido tus objetivos hace que yo también vea que hay luz al final del túnel. Espero volver a verte de nuevo por aquí! 🙋‍♂️

lariki profile image
Lara Martín 👩‍💻

Muchas gracias, ¡me alegra que te guste! No siempre las historias que se cuentan son tan felices como suenan, hay que escribir más sobre nuestras experiencias reales. De ellas se aprende, siempre hay algo que mejorar :)

mmarinez20 profile image
Manuel Mariñez

Sharing my knowledge on the very little I know about android is what gives me anxiety and not even mentioning the fact I gotta be code tested (this is obvious for a job, I just have bad experience writing code live), still I can see I'm not really alone on this, will keep pushing forward, thanks for sharing this. (7._.)7 have a glorious unicorn Lara.

lariki profile image
Lara Martín 👩‍💻

thank you for the unicorn!!! 😍🦄 No one should expect you to know everything! An interview shouldn't be a technical screening were you just throw technical descriptions you can memorize, but rather a conversation around why did you choose some approaches and implemented them in a way. It is important you also say "I don't know" when you don't know something. It's OK!

you can do it!!!! ー( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

salcidogrijalva profile image
Salcido Grijalva

Yo también tengo bastante inquietud por trabajar con Android y trabajar de desarrollador en general pero me inspira tu historia, sigo teniendo ansiedad pero por lo menos ahora estoy mas calmado, gracias Lara.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Congrats on the journey so far!!

lariki profile image
Lara Martín 👩‍💻

thank you so much! 😊

jondearaujo profile image
Jonathan de Araújo Silva

Nice to read that.
Today I work with web fullstack development but have this interest for Android dev. Unfortunately it never evolved to actual job, I may have to be brave and find opportunities on that. For you, one year later, what is the perspective on job opportunities with many hybrid tools out there like RN and Flutter?

jaimetrejo profile image
Jaime Trejo

Thanks for sharing Lara! I worked on two Android applications at school, but those did not prepare me for the real world and it's deadlines. In my current job, my first year wasn't so great because I had to work on database tasks that I found dull. After speaking with my manager I got tasked android development! It was challenging because I didn't know all the terms and I was always trying to play catch up.

I'm still currently playing catch up since I do other things than android development at work, but I'm trying to feel more confident in my abilities and motivating myself to learn. I too feel bad when someone reviews my code, but having feedback helps me learn quicker.

ham8821 profile image
Emma Ham

Hi Lara! Thanks for sharing this story! I couldn't relate more since I am just starting to work as an android developer intern and all I have done previously was web dev. Reading this story, it encouraged me a lot to think in a positive way and don't give up even if the massive pressure put on the chest! Thanks a lot!

rhymes profile image

Congratulations Lara, also happy you found the right environment in which to foster your new career!

lariki profile image
Lara Martín 👩‍💻

thank you! let's do our best!! 😊

disturb16 profile image

Thanks for the article, I'm beginning a similar path now, I have switched from C# developer to Android Java developer and many of the things you say (like the impostor syndrome) happens to me. Also, que bueno ver que hablas español :)

momenabdallah profile image
Moamen Abdallah

Hey lara, thanks for the awesome article, I found it inspiring to me I was and still struggle with Java interface and abstract too :) this part of your post makes me smile out loud.

Right now I'm studying Android basics via Udacity and I'm having a hard times with lesson number four multi-screen apps, there are lots of new concepts and it will take a lot of time to compile into my little brain, I wasn't sure that I have the gut to carry on with the course but guess what? thanks to you.

just keep learning you are doing a great good.

jerrymani33 profile image

I can relate to your story. Me myself I'm facing same situation for now it's passed 1 year and 8months in Android development still I have anxiety about my skill and code until New senior come to my office they said i was doing good. Then only i started realize anxiety is all about what we don't know. When we know and which is correct by doing then that time anxiety will disappear. :)

fblublu profile image
Pavlos P

Congrats Lara!! That impostor syndrome...

davidbojkovski profile image
David Bojkovski

Write an article about your second year as Android Engineer. That would be a nice update.

mf4z profile image
Marwan Mustapha

I loved it! A nice read, I relate with most of it as I'm still learning too and trying to improve and gain confidence. Thanks for this!

codetiilamgone profile image
David Adebiyi

Inspiring story indeed, I feel I also feel like I don't know enough...Congrats and I would also keep pushing myself

stephen_coyle profile image
Stephen Coyle

Thank you for sharing.

I know know I'm not alone.

hasanmohdkhan profile image
Hasan Mhod Khan

Thanks for sharing. I am currently experiencing same thing.

thaihoafe profile image
Thai Hoa

Hi Lara, thanks for your sharing.