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Reza Lavarian
Reza Lavarian

Posted on • Originally published at

Javascript if/else shorthand explained (with common uses cases)

Update: This post was originally published on my blog, where you can read the latest version for a 💯 user experience. ~reza

If you’re looking for the shorthand of if/else in JavaScript, you need to use the ternary – a.k.a the conditional – operator.

The ternary operator takes three operands: a condition followed by a question mark (?), and two JavaScript expressions separated by a colon (:).

The expression on the left side of the colon will be executed if the condition is truthy. But if the condition is falsy, the right-side expression will be executed:

condition ? exprIfConditionIsTruthy : exprIfConditionIsFalsy
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The result of a ternary operator can be assigned to a variable, and used in another expression. You can also use it when returning a value in a function.

Let's see some use cases.

Initializing variables: The most common use case of ternary operators is initializing variables:

let backgroundColor = isChrismas ? 'red' : 'yellow'
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With an if/else, you'd achieve the same thing like so:

let backgroundColor = ''

if (isChristmas) {
   backgroundColor = 'red'
} else {
  backgroundColor = 'yellow'
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Not bad either.

Ternary operator in functions: You can use the ternary operator to return a value from a function.

The following function determines whether a number is even or not:

function isEven  (value) {
   return value % 2 === 0 ? true : false
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Ternary operator in strings: You can also use the ternary operator when generating strings:

let greeting = 'Welcome dear ' + user ? : 'user'
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In the above example, if the user is authenticated, we'll greet them by name, otherwise 'Welcome dear user' would be displayed.

Ternary operators can be nested

The ternary operator is right-associative, meaning it can be nested - just like having consequent if/else statements.

On the other hand exprIfConditionIsTruthy and exprIfConditionIsFalsy operands can be a ternary operator:

let someVariable = condition1 ? value1 
: condition2 ? value2
: condition3 : value 3 : value 4
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Readability of shorthand if/else in JavaScript

Even though the ternary operator is short and sweet, it doesn't make if/else statements a bad choice.

Sometimes an if/else statement is more readable than a ternary operator, regardless of the number of lines.

Which one would you choose for nested conditions:

❋ The ternary apporach

function someFunction() {
    return condition1 ? value1 
        : condition2 ? value2 : value3
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❋ The if/else approach:

function someFunction () {
    if (condition1) {
        return value1
    } else if (condition2) {
        return value2

    // If none of the above are truthy
    return value3
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Although the if/else approach needs a few more lines, it's closer to human language. As a rule of thumb, the ternary operator is handy for one-liners. For other flow control scenarios, use if/else.

Alright, I think that does it for today! I hope you found this quick guide helpful!

Thanks for reading.

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