I want to learn to code but I don't know where to start, can you point me out what are your favorite resources ?
That is the question that help me collect all my favorite resources.
For the person that ask me this question, she said that she manage a lot of data and statistics. So this guide is more for python but you can use the resources as you please.
Where and what I need ?
To learn python today is really easy. To start and to make it ease you can create a simple python environment in repl.it not accounts needed.
- Click in the top right corner "New Repl"
- Search for python
- Create new
Now that we have an environment online this help whit all the installation and other complicated stuffs, for a beginner.
You can fallow ONE or ALL of the fallowing tutorials.
These resources are enough for getting your basics clear and get a hold on the fundamentals of Python.
The fallowing resources are more for web development related.
The where:
What to fallow:
Hope That help you get start it, I will add new resources in the future. But for now this is enough for a couple week material to learn.
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